
Lest we forget that Hillary is kind of a shitty person.

So they're tainted with awfulness by the awful near their taint, then.

I'm feeling confident that pardon paperwork for Trump and his entire family is already is printed out and ready for signatures. It's sitting in Trump's desk with a pile of menus from local DC take out joints and a suspiciously sticky copy of the March 1990 issue of Playboy.


I'm willing to accept that you're right, though I seem to remember it was Jerry Bohlander. That name rings a bell. We're talking something like 23 years ago, so my memory can't be trusted.

In college a group of friends and I got one of the early UFC PPV shows. This would have been 94, maybe '95. I remember one fight where a little blond dude was up against a massive dude names Kimo (I think that's right, anyway). The blond dude looked like me, I'm 160 pounds with two bricks in my pocket, and we all

Really, that whole "implied incest" trend can end right now. Or, better yet, several months ago.

If they're being really honest with themselves, everyone loves a great pair of boobs.

If you're making red stripes, make sure to see a doctor pronto.

I ask that all the time. You need to know your enemy's locations at every moment.

I'm surprised that I've never seen any KFC-esque urban legends that GoGurt is called that because it's really not yogurt but, like, fiberglass slurry and corn syrup. Because I would TOTALLY believe that.

With the recent reports of a rise in anal sex among teenagers, looks like a new golden age for avocados!

How does a person prepare for pepper spray? I've personally never encountered it, so I'm curious. Like, do you need to bring roast beef and hoagie rolls?

I find that tricky to explain to students trying to understand WW2. The US/Britain/France and Russia weren't exactly ALLIES…more like we had a common enemy. We hated Germany more than each other, at that moment.

It's because the ((International Bank$ters)) spilled PBR on the floor.

The closest any of them might get to 300 is bowling. And probably not even that.

It's fitting, really. They were responsible for one of the earliest viral pictures, in 1994.

I thought the same thing about the coloring of the last scene (pre-firestorm) with the Lannister army. Like the color saturation was all weirdified or something

I want to play that board game.

I suspect a lot of it was the long-term costs of those huge stores running up against decreasing book sales. They got desperate to get ANYONE into the stores for ANY reason. Bookstores at the best of times run on razor thin margins; it's really depressing to realize how many of those books filling up those endless