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    Yeah I’m sure false accusations was the sole reason for his mental problems.

    Sounds harsh, but the planet and everything else would be better off without us humans to ruin it. If only we could all be sterile, live out our lives and give back the planet in 100 years or so.

    Good catch. I tend to agree.


    I know it’s wrong, but I actually lol’d.

    I may be wrong, but I don’t think that any bluetooth output can match the best wired headphone output as of now.

    Sadly we’re fucking over every form of life on the planet along the way as well.

    If you’re not interested, don’t read about it. It’s an actual problem and some of us like to keep informed on the subject.

    Of course I am :)

    Makes sense. I keep hearing people complain that the current iPhone is too thick. People keep saying time and time again that Apple should sacrifice battery for a thinner phone, so why not the headphone jack?

    Actually I use Drive and Google Photos all the time, it’s an essential for me. So is Google Maps, I’ve tried several over the years but none are as accurate in my area. The thing is, I’m perfectly satisfied with android, but would be willing to try WP if my apps made it over. Don’t want to settle for second grade app

    For starters, I’ll echo what several people commented on, this article is... not well developed. Good thing we can read more in depth reviews elsewhere...

    I was pretty much sold on Samsung, but when they removed the micro sd option they lost me. I now have a LG G4 and couldn’t be happier. Doubt I’ll ever go back to Samsung.

    It’s not 100% accurate. A road has been blocked off for weeks in my neighborhood and Google still suggests I use it on my daily commute.

    Next up, tentacles.

    Holyshit... Vlad The Impaler of the bird world.

    This isn’t weird at all.

    When you look at it like that, I see what you mean.

    How is it sponsored if he says that it’s only suited for light work and that he prefers a laptop for productivity.

    I stand corrected. No need to be a douche about it btw.