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    We could just use the pedophiles then. Why not Jared?

    I’ve often said that.

    How can you binge watch it if only 2 episodes are out?

    You’re not.

    That thing is creepy on so many levels.

    This should be a hit with the old people who have alerady lost touch with reality. At least if they forget to feed it, nobody gets hurt.

    Different strokes for different folks! I don’t like them either, but I never saw them back in the day so there’s no lense of nostalgia. Back to The Future though... that’s another story!

    Yeah I found that quite peculiar as well. I initially did research to see who the ‘original’ owner was. Quite the difference!

    Seems kind of strange to feel bad for these little creatures that died over 12,000 years ago. An interesting find none the less.

    For a more complete article, I would suggest people go here:

    They must be quaking in their boots...

    Depends on the hard drive. If you are downloading at very high speeds, it can slow down the PC depending on it’s read/write speed (from what I’Ve heard).

    The comment was directed to grendelthing, not the article itself.

    Good point, some games only use 2, but others you need them all.

    It’s neat, but way too expensive. You can pretty much do the same by hacking a Nintendo DS. Way less expensive...

    NSFW man, some people visit this site from work. Didn’t expext to see nudie shots in an article about geese.

    260 pounds wouldn’t even cover my mother in law...

    Same here, last time I saw the dentist, hasn’t gone for about 18 years. They couldn’t believe it. I brush my teeth twice a day and don’t floss, go figure. My girlfriend needs to go about every 6 months.

    I’d rather keep building my own PC’s. This device probably won’t appeal to casual gamers nor PC gamers who already build/own their own gaming PC. Limited market if you ask me. Financially, there’s no advantage to getting this device. If I want to play on the TV, I just stream.

    The lifespan of killer whales in captivity versus wild killer whales is disputed. Several studies published in scientific journals show that the average mortality rate for captive killer whales is approximately three times higher than in the wild.[53] A 2015 study in the Journal of Mammalogy concluded that the life