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    Friends don’t let friends buy Seagate.

    Friends don’t let friends buy Seagate.

    I have. Can’t tell the difference so I call BS. My wife says it works...

    We already have.

    Too bad we can’t do this in Canada. Even if you’re done paying your phone, or buy an unlocked phone somewhere else, your monthly plan will be the same price. So there is no incentive to not getting a subsidized plan. You’re getting screwed either way, so might as well get something out of it.

    I do fine with 7.5h. I could sleep more, but I prefer to work early that way I have more time at home with the wife.

    You must not be much of a man if a silly picture like that gets you riled up.

    If Cortana is integrated down the line, I might try it out.

    people that are in shape?

    I actually agree with you. People don’t want to admit it, but self control is key. Why would you even eat while playing a video game?

    The problem is more that you will probably still have feelings for that person, and that person does not. You will see that person dating other men. I was in that situation and it tore me up. I actively avoided that person, told her I didn’t want to see or hear about her anymore as I could not stand it. Eventually

    or he was tired, we had seen him panting several times, hadn’t had the chance to refill on calories

    I’ve learnt that a faulty RAM stick can be the reason a PC won’t turn on as well.

    thanks for the tip, Glimpse didn’t work on my Note 4 running 5.0.1 but AcDisplay does.

    Every time I look up my symptoms, I have cancer

    Why does the debt have an impact on the decision to marry if you don't mind me asking? Over here (Canada), debt you have incurred before being married is not 'joint responsibility' if you end up getting a divorce.

    Me and my wife did have seperate accounts while we were dating( about 6 years), and had a joint credit card we used for household stuff. We each paid 50% on that card and had our seperate cards we paid in full. Now that we are married and have bought a house, we decided to combine everything, so we have joint credit

    I would of thought shredded newspaper

    Wish I'd thought about that when I got my cat. She has asthma, cost us a good 4000$ so far.

    I'll admit the laser seems like a bit much, but it could prove useful. I don't see why having neatly trimmed facial hair makes your a geek/douche.

    They changed it to Costco Mastercard over here (Canada), but it's an awesome card. 1% on all purchases, 2% on all gas expenses and 3% at restaurants. Coupled with the 2% cashback Costco executive members get, it's great.