Dan Ashcroft

thanks! been waiting six hours for someone to answer!

Very quick question - did the vomiting child in the car have his wrists bound/twine around his wrists? I can't rewatch yet and am very impatient.

Bugger the Bs, this was great

I don't think Richard's a very nice guy

Yeah, exactly like Naomi Watts!

I really hope we get some Douggie interraction with people who know Cooper, before he 'awakens'. So much potential for hilarity. I can't even imagine what Albert would think. For drama's sake it'd probably be Diane to wake him, out of who's there, with Cole a close second. Happy for a curveball though.

In contrast to the abstract nature of the previous episodes, yeah this 'ep'/hour seems somewhat conventional and functional in comparison. But I love that they've managed to take a show which has some of the most bizarre and unconventional storytelling and structure, and that they're slowly reigning it all in and

Cooper was thinking about his shoes that he left in purpleland. He needs his shoes back to make him whole.

America right now seems like the plot for the next Danny DeVito/Schwarzenegger joint.

I'm enjoying Preacher, American Gods and Fargo, and looking forward to Top of the Lake S2 and Celebrity Masterchef UK with Vic Reeves, but nothing has made me feel such a pure sense of wonder and excitement as this series. It sounds like hyperbole, but for something to tick ALL my boxes is a rare thing and it's a

Up until Twin Peaks began, Better Call Saul was by far my favourite show on TV, now, I hate to say it, but anything not Twin Peaks feels a bit 'meh… it's not Twin Peaks'…

I enjoyed this episode of television. I'm excited to see what the future holds

Dear Vince and Peter, PLEASE don't let Kim become an addict… it makes sense but, see… we've already predicted it so it'd just be a bummer!

Thewlis has done what few actors have done and made me question whether they are the same actor as another famous role they have had (Lupin). Yes they are, but I had to IMDB it.

Wrench's drum riff theme is so iconic yet not a melody in sight. Hard to believe it's been so long since drums began, yet something so simple can still be so unique.

Understandably a lot of people very upset at Jimmy, but I struggled to get that upset as the whole thing was so hilarious. Sure it was a horrible thing to do, but the light/breezy filming approach to the whole thing was so at odds with the subtle insidiousness of Saul's plan that the comedy outweighed the negativity

Reviewer seems to have fallen asleep this week. This episode was a rollercoaster. Ray is now an extremely cute kitten. A

People who want things to move quicker/Cooper to wake up don't seem to realise we've got another 13 hours of this show/extended movie. The last thing I want right now is for Lynch to 'satisfy' me or 'meet my expectations'. Isn't the whole joy of the show in the opposite of that? People getting impatient this quickly

Makes more sense than him just randomly looking for a body in a vast desert…

Makes more sense than him just randomly looking for a body in a vast desert…