Dan And Morothy

Free order of breadstix for this guy. And a coke or something.

Yeah, I didn't really read and make the obvious joke. And then couldn't figure out where all the hate was coming from! Durr. Live and learn.

Me too.

We always write "beware of licky dogs" in our comments section when ordering pizza. Never fails to get a laugh. And one driver arrives with dog biscuits in his pocket for our furries. He always gets a very generous tip. (Well, they all do. That's how come we have piping hot pizza delivered in under 20 minutes every

I'm going to use this as a platform to say—is anyone else mildly bothered when someone (everyone?) calls them "peppercinis", completely dropping a syllable?

Yup. I am totally for animal rights and even tried to be vegan, but all it did was make me fat. Now I have histamine intolerance and basically would literally die of starvation without animal products. But I am selective. However, no one is going to convince me that plastic shoe factories don't kill animals, too.

This is almost as embarrassing as when you serve your friends a huge, expensive, 4-hour, multi-course dinner then invite your all dinner guests to visit your Swarovski crystal vomitorium for a pre-dessert purge and everyone looks at you like they have no idea what you're talking about.



driving/ getting to work is work related activity, but you don't get paid from when you leave your house.

well it could very well be that I both a liar and an unknowing asshole— this is the internet after all.

Not everyone gets every thing they want. If these people can't eat what that particular restaurant serves, they do nit get to eat at that particular restaurant.

you get the subclass treatment because, when you go to a restaurant and the ordering things that are NOT on the menu, what you are saying to every employee who works at that restaurant, "yeah, you guys know what you are doing and have everything planned out precisely but I DONT GIVE A FUCK." it's essentially

It would be like bringing your wife to a brothel and paying to have sex with her in their beds

Still trying to figure out what business success they are risking. I'm pretty sure their success depends on the amount of food they sell, not the number of plates they rent.

I also hate tall cats.

No but as an Asian woman she has the right to make fun of the dictator of her people. Lighten up., you are internalizing and making this about you.

It seriously borders on ether because her soul is in turmoil thinking about it.

Damn, and the dog is even black. :(

Um yea, no. No, 1451 times.

"I don't like this new Annie! The original Annie didn't have eyes! This one has eyes!"