
Y’all are insane, that shit is terrible. Like...cheap cosplay terrible. Fan-film terrible. It’s literally a bodysuit with a bunch of bullshit printed on it and a few badly 3D printed/foam-core “armor” pieces thrown in for good measure. Sometimes, it’s not only acceptable, but logistically reasonable to deviate from

Looks verrryyy cosplay. And what is up with the heels?! Have they not learned that we now give female superheros wedges!!

Out of curiosity, would Captain Shakespeare be considered a pirate?

Let’s just not forget the animators and other writers (plus the cast and mo-cap stunt people, of course) who actually did the bulk of the work.

Maybe Batman can figure out the source of the Benjamin Buttons disease that Alfred Pennyworth and Spider-Man’s Aunt May has.

Black Mask will be played by Ewan McGregor in Birds of Prey.

I can’t help feeling like it should be the other way around...

God damn I’d much rather see a person from the Rogue’s gallery that already hasn’t had a big screen interpretation. Imagine Colin Ferrell as Black Mask. Just imagine it! 

“Titans Is Back on Its Overwrought Emotional Nonsense for Some Reason”

Even little kids aren’t stupid* and there’s no reason to insult young minds with the clown characters of Kaz an Neeku. None of the other Star Wars animated shows dumbed down characters this much. Kaz believable as a spy is beyond ludicrous — he’s an idiot.

Make Batman a paranoid nonsensical rambling mess with no apparent connection to the source material? we’ve seen that movie already.

Jesus Christ, we have switchblade lightsabers now...

No sir, I'll ask the question I want to ask, you don't have any right to patronize me into not asking a question. Why does this specific character that I grew to knew in this particular aspect, has to be different? Is there a particular reason? 

I’m Mexican, call me racist, why she has to be of color?

This sounds almost exactly like this movie called Mortal Engines that I think I watched back in December. I’m still not sure it actually happened. 

Look, I’ve spent too much time explaining the sunk cost fallacy to people to stop doing it now.

It was like Mass Effect 3 and that part when you get to talk to everyone for the last time.

This right here. Part of the reason I loved the reveal in TLJ was that it hammered home the idea that anyone can be a Jedi master. It wasn’t a birthright; it was something that could be learned, taught, honed, mastered. I know that many people hated TLJ but if they walk this particular part of it back I will be mad as

I just want to see something new. I don’t want to see another X-Wing or TIE Fighter. I don’t want to see the same exact Star Wars I’ve been watching for 40 years.

Benioff and Weiss doing KOTOR with some Game of Thrones-like vibes would be pretty good for that time period.