
Claire Denis’ movie is called “Beau travail”, not “Beau trevail” (it means “nice work”). Sorry for nitpicking.

They really don’t know when they should stop...

Yeah !!! Spin-offs everywhere. Why bother to create original stuff when you can just use pre-established material ?

I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be Black Mask

Here is mine

Thanks for the unwanted spoiler.

I don’t know how you can praise Civil war and shit on BvS at the same time.

Is that what I wrote ?

So basically, you’re saying that it is ok to balance the global inequality by creating minor inequalities. Because when someone says “I want only women for that job” it implies they don’t want men for it (no matter their competence). Isn’t it what is reproached to the industry ?

It just seems stupid to respond to inequality by another inequality.