

He's likely all gray by now, but dying it, which looks totally wrong because as you age your hair changes texture so you wind up with young color on old hair texture, which makes the hair look fake. It also looks wrong because your hair isn't the only thing that loses pigment as you age. Your skin loses some too, so

He does. He just exaggerates how much with a combover.

It wouldn't be germane of me to expect the media to be the lapdog of any TV network or showrunner, fair enough, but honestly I don't know why you keep reviewing the show when you're obviously getting nothing out of it.

He manned up before this episode, but of course one thing I love about TWD fandom is the way they actually pay attention to the damn show.

They're not murder-proof. But there's a lot more story for them from the comics. And Negan already made it very clear neither of them was the target he chose.

He breaks up with Rosita in the comics too. Same asshole reason.

Negan is supposed to be a weird character like that though. Psychopath, sure, but is internally consistent on following his own rules, and is against rape for some reason (though amassing a harem is perfectly okie-dokie). Enough charm and charisma to keep people willing to stick around and die for him. He couldn't

Now go find the Baltic Sea on a map.

I already knew about her from Wings.

I still get a kick out of The Mask. But then I have a juvenile streak in my sense of humor.

People act like real people in TWD. That's what annoys so many of the viewers. "Oh, he's so stupid! She's so stupid! I would never do that!" Yes you would. In a hot minute. We make dumb choices at our best, so imagine how often we'd have brain cramps when we're under constant survival stress.

Only if in that universe they have ever seen those other shows/movies.

Here's what I think happened. Different people have different levels of immunity to various pathogens. I think the walker pathogen in TWD *is* airborne, but that it only killed some people. It will reanimate anyone, but only kills some. That's all it took for the mass deaths to begin. Everyone's going to

That's because breakdowns of societies aren't coherent.

I see one straight-up white person in that whole group of people anyway. I know the actors playing Madison's kids are white (well, Frank Dillane definitely is), but their coloration makes them look mixed and given Madison's current boyfriend and that we've never seen a photo of the kids' dad… I'm assuming mixed til I

Except for that inconvenient bit where it's owned by a black guy.

I have no doubt Damien Echols is innocent. I have many doubts about Steven Avery. There were elements of the case that the documentary makers did not include in their story, the opposite of what happened with the WM3 case (the legal system didn't consider all evidence, and the documentary makers filled in the gaps).

Y'all don't be hatin on no spiral slicer, now.

The term "slut-shaming" is crap. It'd be like calling racism "n….r-shaming". Because who are you shaming? A slut. Who on earth calls a woman a slut? Sexist people, o'course. No one else. Not even if you think you're feminist.