
I didn't want to dig my ears out with a spork when I heard Stryper on MTV, but that might as well be a unicorn. And they were more pop metal than metal.

You never want to go sober when you're a metal musician…

They're only disposable because adults say they're disposable all the time and despite teenage rebellion, teens still believe most of what you tell them.

Bacon does not kill you. Nice myth though.

Can I read anything that is not an article about adoption without once seeing the term "birth mother"? It's redundant. Actual mothers give birth. Any other kind of mother gets the adjective qualifier. And TV shows can't give birth in any case. Why not "predecessor"? That would have made more sense.

I like it and I'm irritated at the same time. (And shared it on my Doctor Who-related fan page. Why not.) Considering all the crap I see out there that is glorified as "art", stuff my kid and/or cats could replicate on a sick day with a very large piece of canvas on the floor, I'd rather look at mashups. At least…

Dude, I thought that was his actual face. Well, that explains a lot!

If you're going to continue in your efforts to convince us you're a moron, you could at least be amenable to the occasional spelling correction. Do you even read?


If someone's not already scared of clowns, this isn't going to make them scared of clowns. Most of us understand that shows like this are works of fiction.