
I like the sounds of this! I sure hope Zebra is better at filling orders for the NFL than they are for my work. Zebra owns Symbol (previously owned by Motorola), Symbol makes those handheld scan-gun devices that you see at stores used for inventory.

As crazy stupid as this is... Does Samsung even sell that many laptops? Yeah, they sell boatloads of phones, but dedicated PCs? I think I might have seen 1 or 2 in the wild. If Dell, Acer, Asus, HP, or Lenovo did this... There would be really bad consequences for them and their ratings...

Never in my life have I wanted to spend $150 on a controller... Until now.

pretty sure its bi-directional. not 100% on that, but it would only make sense to make it that way.

I particularly liked the whole Zune lineup... but it was the Zune HD that deserved to succeed. I still have one in my car (64GB model that was released shortly before M$ scrapped the Zune) that I use regularly. Lots of things can be pointed back to the Zune... Like mobile devices capable of HD, although the Zune HD

soooo... Miniature monster truck = regular truck? I would think the kids would need drivers licenses... thus making the purchase of one of these things kinda moot. I’m sure local authorities would loveeee this thing.

If I’m not mistaken, you can currently stream tv from your Xbox One... And when everything is on Win10, you should be able to stream whatever is on your Xbox One to any other device in your house. If I was gonna do something like that, I would buy some of those intel computer sticks for my TVs and upgrade them all to

You can do that basic math, but how many of those vulnerabilities are the same? For instance, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 probably share the exact same vulnerabilities. That would be counted once for OSX, why should it count twice for Windows? Unless we have specifics on the vulnerabilities, we can’t assume that the

When I first got a cell phone, I kept that thing on vibrate. Ringtones sucked, and I didn’t want to buy any. It got to a point where I would feel vibrations in my pocket all the time... And then it got to a point when I would feel vibrations in my pocket even when my phone wasn’t there. Phantom vibrations.

The only reason OSX was ever more secure than Windows is because of security through obscurity. I’m not blaming Apple for that, but they used to make lots of bold claims about being more secure. Which wasn’t technically true.

I’m not gonna say that Radon is a complete fraud, but it does seem like its something an over-the-top environmentalist would blow up into something bigger than it is. I spent most of my life in Clearfield County (1 county west of Centre County aka Penn State). I’m not even aware of anyone having Radon pumps in that

I bought a house in PA 3 years ago. it was about 50-50 for which houses were equipped with RADON pumps. We only had an inspector out for the house we intended to buy (we looked at 30 houses around Harrisburg area), and it showed very little radon activity. Under the thresh-hold of needing a radon pump. I’ve lived in

PBR! I remember nothing about all the PBR I drank in college... Musta been a good time with a lousy beer.

The big win they got in their basket was buying bungie to make Halo an Xbox exclusive. Thats the one that comes to mind. You could also say buying skype... I'm sure there are plenty more, but I'm lazy and don't do too much research.

If you're using an iPhone, then that's absolutely the case. I'm on a Windows Phone, so that pairing has additional benefits like being able to respond to texts/emails with an onscreen keyboard and integration with Cortana.

As for me... I'm just sitting here wearing one of these:

I've actually seen quite a number of people with Windows Phones. Way more than the supposed market share percentage would say. I'm a proud user because I hate expressions like the following: "going with the flow", "everyone else is doing it", "its the most popular thing", and "It just works better (when really,

I'm with you. I'm invested in Microsoft's ecosystem... and if all things come true, Windows 10 will be the glue that makes it 1 cohesive interface. Biggest feature I want to do is to be able to answer texts on my computer.

I do this to a degree. Usually I perk up when I spot other Windows Phones in the world, mostly because its kinda annoying to hear from anyone "nobody uses those"... Yes they do. And they're delightful phones that aren't the societal square box of normal. I have this bad habit of buying what I like, and usually I land

Always the last to get something, and always the first to ditch it. If it wasn't for their impeccable coverage and banging discount I get through work, I would have made the switch to AT&T a long time ago.