Foiled Again

‘Driveouts’ are the specialty of several on The Samba, in particular a fellow who goes by Kombisutra. Peruse the Split Bus category there, you will find him and his amazing exploits.

Closed captions have been my helpful friend throughout.

Perhaps what you were hearing were Corridos.
That is what we hear on job sites in the Big Bend.

My part of West Texas is thankfully humane, due to the Latino population: a spot of blue in a sea of red.

'Tis a silly place.

Bovinus sanctum.

Bless you guys' hearts for fostering cats.

In the VW Split Bus world, this practice is known as a ‘drive-out’.

All that, and balloons with cardboard feet. What's not to like?

That, as it turns out, was the general sentiment expressed by the beef-seeking public back then.

"At Shakey's we serve fun! also pizza"

Yes, it was the Chief Wahoo of roast-beef emporiums.

Three words: Heap Big Beef.

Fuckin' A, Bubba.

Ayn Rand: The Ayn Rand of philosophers.

Took my MSF course one million years ago, thankfully before I had thrown a leg over a bike. Thankfully, because I had no opportunity to learn wrong things. The instructor was a chip off the old drill instructor block and gave not a crap about hurting feelings.

I saw what you did there.

Wobble's semi-run-off-with immediate-post-PiL album is also a hoot. Has Wobbly grooves aplenty.

Yes- bleeding and with a freshly-gone-missing toof.

Never having seen Kimmel or Fallon do their thing I can't speak to that, but I can say that after watching the Snyder/Lydon interview back in '80 I felt satisfied both parties remained true to their respective acts, thus the interesting tension underpinning the ten minutes.