Foiled Again

Could be the Beetle’s engine compartment might not be suitable for a T3 motor in terms of room and flow for cooling.

Brilliant, brilliant- just brilliant and very nicely done too!

A day w/o Albini scree is a day w/o sunshine.

Begin with a battery acid high colonic, Stevey Boy.

A friend was film loader on Fargo and he found it amusing that when the camera wasn’t running the characters flipped, meaning Steve Buscemi shut up, and Peter Stormare was an irascible chatterbox.

I’m a two-dimensional grocery-store logo from the mid-20th century.I’m too old for this shit.

Evidently so.

Am I here? Did this work?

Do be careful as it leaves a mess.

"We resemble those words!"- The Republican party

Then off for a good afternoon of orphan beatin'.

What a lipless fuck that oleaginous weasel is.

Dorothy Day Catholicism. Used to read The Catholic Worker when I could find it.

Yep, and it's Frank's 180 on that subject- canonization of Archbishop Oscar Romero among other actions- that has caused such consternation among certain of the Cardinals. They say one is defined by one's enemies as well as one's friends.
And as far as Ryan is concerned, the nuns I knew would have beat him good with

As do I.

Give The Unutterable a try.

Several Fall records came along w/o garnering a review on this site, which struck me as odd given O'Neal's professed love for the band. But whatever, I guess.

Grotesque. Slates.

My first election was 1980. Reagan, through El Salvador, was what radicalized me.

"No springs!"