Floyd Sneed: Best drummer from Mayberry.
Floyd Sneed: Best drummer from Mayberry.
914, 915, whatever it takes.
The look is also known as 'murdered out'.
Very many. Those poopyheads are just getting started!
I'm from Barthelona.
Hard not to admire Everett Sloane's work in Kane.
This is badass.
This is chain gang.
This is mustache.
I am Texas!
I am Texas!
No Adkins, no Panther Burns, no Eugene Chadbourne…humph.
Nivnever! Neverniv!
Lets…lets THINK, people.
Then, tragedy struck- Captain Tragedy.
Want some aspirin? Wanna make a phone call? You can if you want!
Folks might be aroused or…titillated.
Well, walk differently then!
Daddy…I'm dying.
Sad songs are the keys to get our tears out of eye jail.
I discovered it while tearing through Fruitastrophe inhalers.
God DAMN it!
Relax- the science of Derekology is in effect.