
Wasn’t this HRC’s campaign mantra? Interesting choice of strategy.

So many logical fallacies. By your (il)logic anyone who voted for Hillary was clearly a treasonous criminal. Who was fine with a treasonous criminal in office. Guilty not even by association but via a single vote and I’m sure you don’t care about any of the reasons why.

The greatest source of hate speech is spewing

Unbelievable. What Pockets just said is no matter what, if somebody supported Trump for whatever reason, they ARE a racist. It is inescapable, apparently? There’s pretty much nothing that people like you won’t twist into some sort of veiled racism. You’re condemning half of the country’s population, your neighbors,

Anyone ever notice how the truly asshole white anarchists only show up with the BLM crowd? I’ll grab popcorn... let’s hear the excuses

Of course! Believing in voter fraud is INSANE. Unless you lost an election or something.

Pathetic. Exactly why Democrats lost the election. No, no... don’t work on actual POLICIES or cultivating a candidate that isn’t a complete crook. We should just keep feeding on rabid propaganda. We are now the ‘Reformed Party of NO’. Sad.

Sorry but I really don’t understand how journalists being charged with

Not sure any of you actually understood the long-game reason for asking that question...

Jesus. Is it possible for Kinja or any affiliates to post a freaking deal without some vague reference to politics? If you think environmental awareness has anything to do with politics... wake up. Trump voters recycle too. They probably don’t do it correctly, but they’re trying.

Jesus. Is it possible for Kinja or any affiliates to post a freaking deal without some vague reference to politics?

Deadspin (and Kevin Draper) have clearly PLAGIARIZED the facts and premise of this article. My 4 year-old nephew left the EXACT same thing in the toilet yesterday afternoon.

Yes because battery terminals reverse polarity every thousand years just like the earth. Or not.

Yes because battery terminals reverse polarity every thousand years just like the earth. Or not.

Bingo. You want see a show, then prepare to hear a pre-recorded track.

You want a live performance? Don’t expect the vocalist to do double-backflips while pretending to sing live. We used to admire the performance, not just the show.

This is what a performer sound like though. Listen people, you want a teeny-bopper bouncing all over the stage acting like she can still hold a note after doing gymnastics, then shut your trap. Otherwise you’re gonna have to just deal with a little bit of reality.

And we can’t believe you’re STILL talking about this. But yet again, you’ve nailed the truth in spite of yourself. We will never know if Trump is “acting to further the interests of the public, rather than the interests of himself, his family, and his allies.”

But with Hillary we WOULD have known she was acting to

Well at least the author got the title right... Obama and other SJW handlers have made a KILLING (financially and in human lives) by being in the ‘business’ of equality.

IMO this particular speaker isn’t worth more than $10. I bought several when an Amazon error had them priced at $6/ea. Pretty durable, okay sound quality, but NOT waterproof. I wouldn’t even call it water resistant really. The black rubber ‘band’ around the outside wasn’t tight around the plastic inner body and

IMO this particular speaker isn’t worth more than $10. I bought several when an Amazon error had them priced at

More liberal sabre-rattling against a faux-boogeyman. “Trumpism”? You guys still don’t get it. You lost because you called everyday Americans racists and every-phobe in the book. You divided. You shamed. You alienated. You screwed up. So do you now double-down on the shaming of everyone who disagrees? Or do you

Amazing how only the offensive ‘eff you Gary Johnson’ comments are being approved though, eh? Ellie Sachet certainly cannot allow any dissidence from the hate-fueled narrative. But you’re cool with cronyism as long as it benefits you, right?

Yeah, pander more instead of having actionable policies based in reality. That worked out just great this time for you.

Just let them vent. The Hillary zombies have a mental sophistication issue. It’s not their candidate’s fault for being a turd, just everyone else’s.

We now live in a world when a ‘staff writer’ can throw a temper tantrum and use offensive language because their Kim Kardashian of politics ended up as a big stinking turd. That ain’t journalism folks, that’s armchair complaining.

Just so you know Ellie, America is really really sorry... how DARE anyone run but your