Ohhhhh.... poor baby. You weren’t able to shame those voters into wasting their vote on your POS candidate? Hey kettle... go look in the mirror.
Ohhhhh.... poor baby. You weren’t able to shame those voters into wasting their vote on your POS candidate? Hey kettle... go look in the mirror.
Has Jezebel started recruiting childlike toddlers as content providers? Kara Brown is throwing a full-stage 3-year-old temper tantrum like Ellie Shechet... blame everybody but yourself and your candidate, eh?
America is really really sorry... how DARE anyone run but your candidate. HOW DARE THEY?! The self-righteous…
So much anger+stupidity with this article. Those votes were never owned by nor owed to the Democratic nominee. They may not have liked Trump but they were never going to vote Hillary so the vote was never ‘split’. Johnson voters didn’t spoil Clinton’s run... Clinton spoiled herself. Regardless you’re still tossing…
Wait, you said ‘not’ a warmonger. You must have added an extra word in there by mistake.
Suuuure he will. Funny how all the pollsters are suddenly changing their tune to say how close it will be though, huh? Because it has ALWAYS been close. They just can’t lie about it any longer to help promote Hillary or they’ll lose all credibility. There are millions of Trump supporters that have been too scared to…
The more anti-Trump propaganda we see from the Hillary media lapdogs... the more we know Hillary is in deep doo-doo.
Seriously. After 108 years they deserve to celebrate for at least 5 years.
YOU get over it. Because you clearly don’t GET how big this actually is.
Love all the ‘SHUT UP AND GET IN LINE’ comments. You people are exactly why we have a Trump vs Hillary ticket. But keep doing what you’re doing... it’s working out just super.
By utterly damning revelation I assume you’re NOT referring to the dozen+ acts of treason Hillary has participated in? All the moral outrage in the universe about Donald Trump’s private life means NADA compared to the sins Hillary has committed as a public servant on behalf of the American people.
But Trump was 100% correct about Aleppo... it HAS already fallen. Just because he’s not a WARhawk like Hillary with an ridiculously expensive plan to bomb, invade, and control doesn’t mean anything. Progressives lose their freaking mind if they can’t DO SOMETHING!!!
But WTF happened to all the dove Democrats? …
What’s actually more important in regards to being POTUS? A lot of folks would prefer an honest pig to a lying criminal.
Ah yes, let’s start telling people what they are and are not allowed to think. Exactly the point he was trying to make.
Hmmm... getting awfully hard to tell the difference between a federal ‘mock exercise’ and an actual act of terrorism, isn’t it? Wonder why?
A perfectly logical explanation.... except that the untraceable payment was conducted in SECRECY under Obama’s ‘transparent’ administration. But watch the damage control excuses flow from the media outlets. The US government got caught doing what they do all the time. Plus this is just the first installment... the…
So what you’re saying Joanna... is that a person can only love gay sex and their own gender to be against porn? Since when did enjoying sex and women mean you’re pro-porn or pro-child abuse?
Nude != Porn. And how can you support female empowerment while demonizing it at the same time?
(posted again since Jezzy doesn’t seem to like dissent)
Not only do so-called ‘activists’ feel justified derailing organized events they have nothing to do with... but then they demonize the groups and supporters that (shockingly) are upset at their event being hijacked.
The expectation is mind-boggling. Grab the mike…
So the people most concerned with racism see nothing but skin color. MLK is turning in his grave. Nobody dares question the percentage of ‘diverse’ applicants that applied for the internship in the first place. Facts? No thanks, we’ve got self-righteous outrage. And if there WAS a token minority, the media would be…
Ah yes, the problem must be a conveniently stereotyped problem with men in general instead of the root mores of a warrior ideology. Oooh... or we could just blame the Christians again.
Not only do so-called ‘activists’ feel justified derailing organized events they have nothing to do with... but then they demonize the groups and supporters that (shockingly) are upset at their event being hijacked. The minority privilege is mind-boggling.
“Terroristic”... you make that up yourself? Or just regurgitate it from some divisive playbook? I wasn’t referencing Walsh’s comment, but your apparent glee at the thought of ‘his life [getting] really fucking inconvenient.’ I’m guessing you were cool with the IRS targeting groups that didn’t agree with the…