Being mentally retarded does not equal on the spectrum. Fuck this attorney and the guy he is representing.
Ah yes, that would have been preferable to my first thought, which was the Human Centipede.
“incentivizing people not to work is “just plain un-American.”
If you are not going to work in the interests of the voters, then maybe the state politicians shouldn’t get paid either.
Even as a resident of this state, it’s still kind of amazing to me how Abbott has given up any pretense of governance and it’s just all culture war all the time. Then again, his landslide re-election is all but assured no matter what he does, so might as well put it to the test, I guess.
And then in the next election they state’s voters will march right in and grant power to these exact same guys again.
As Jordan Weissmann pointed out on Slate (, the states that have been quickest to cut unemployment benefits have also generally been the worst at getting people vaccinated, ensuring that working remains dangerous.…
Look, you potato nosed lunatic, AOC is NEVER going to date you.
Maniac Marge.
He should’ve stuck with
“This is who they are and this is how they act.”
Man, those Republicans are really upset. What would they do if an insurrectionist mob stormed the Capitol Building? No doubt Boebert and Greene would take up their weapons to defend the institution and democracy. McCarthy would like to help but he can’t figure out how to leave the stall in the men’s room.
This succinctly answers my original query of ‘who the hell would buy, let alone read this shit’. And now I know.
It’s a wonder that they get so many book deals considering your average conservative is barely literate.
I’m getting my first armload of Mister Not Applicable (Mr. NA/mRNA, har har ain’t I clever?) on Wednesday. Second dose to follow sometime later. Me no longer worrying that I’m going to get COVID, get acute myocarditis as a secondary complication, and die of something I barely survived in 2015 (emergency heart surgery,…
I think I’d be looking for another optometrist, after informing her that her receptionist is a nosy piece of shit.
Or you tell them what I told my nephew when he was spouting Qanon shit:
Why are so many ME fans horny for the weird insectoid dinosaur man
“I’m Commander Sheppard, and this is a photo of me at my favorite store on the Citadel.”