DAMN These Electric Sex Pants!

Mr. Shaman, don’t you worry. . . .

Being mentally retarded does not equal on the spectrum. Fuck this attorney and the guy he is representing.

Ah yes, that would have been preferable to my first thought, which was the Human Centipede.

“incentivizing people not to work is “just plain un-American.”

If you are not going to work in the interests of the voters, then maybe the state politicians shouldn’t get paid either.

Even as a resident of this state, it’s still kind of amazing to me how Abbott has given up any pretense of governance and it’s just all culture war all the time. Then again, his landslide re-election is all but assured no matter what he does, so might as well put it to the test, I guess. 

And then in the next election they state’s voters will march right in and grant power to these exact same guys again.

As Jordan Weissmann pointed out on Slate (https://slate.com/business/2021/05/republicans-states-unemployment-insurance-labor-vaccines-schools.html), the states that have been quickest to cut unemployment benefits have also generally been the worst at getting people vaccinated, ensuring that working remains dangerous.

This feels a lot like... I said or did something inappropriate at a job, I got called into HR about it. I apologized. All parties accept that. The job continues until I eventually decide to leave. The job asks me to come back, but then suddenly says that due to this thing just under a quarter of my life ago that has

Look, you potato nosed lunatic, AOC is NEVER going to date you.

Maniac Marge.

Masks don’t protect you from the virus (they mostly protect other people from catching it from you). The chances are lower, but not zero. I would rather not catch COVID at all either, just like I’d rather not catch the flu. But unless I completely seal myself off in my house, there will always be a risk. As I said in

Seriously. Like literally always, conservatives control discourse and it sucks.

The CDC had to make a choice. Americans are dumb, dumb panic buyers - please see the toilet paper shortage, and the now gas “shortage.”

Alright, but I’m still wearing the giant novelty foam cowboy hat.

Unless I start wearing a shirt that says I’m vaccinated I’m going to still wear a mask.  And I’m going to assume anyone not wearing a mask is a Trumper worried about their ‘freedumbs’ more than stopping a deadly pandemic.  Not that you really need the absence of a mask to easily point those idiots out anyway.

I love Iron Man, and when I got offered Black Widow, I was obsessed with Iron Man. I wanted to work with Robert Downey Jr. It would’ve been amazing.

Nice to see Groot is branching out....

I’ll get my coat...

I am Grail.

Not gonna lie, I was teary eyed from the Portals scene on. Wakanda Forever is probably the best possible title they could’ve given that movie given the circumstances. “The Marvels” with Captain Marvel’s font, Spectrum’s logo, and Ms. Marvels’ “S” is fantastic. And of course “4.”