
This looks like it was built specifically for AirBnB Diddy style parties. What I don’t understand is why it was built in Grand Junction. Is there a big sporting venue there that hosts annual events where sex traffickers convene?   

Came here for this.

4th Gear: I’m all for congestion pricing, but they shouldn’t be charging motorcycles. Additionally, this is going to fuck the FDR and west side highways. Excluding them from the fee structure will push traffic to them, and they are already a mess. The whole point was that you could cut through town faster, and now

I’ve followed the Canoo mess since they went public via SPAC. It really feels like the CEO is either hugely incompetent or committing fraud (or somewhere in between). They’ve had two reverse splits to keep this thing on the exchange. Tony has his family business leasing buildings and his plane back to the company as a

This is the right take. 

Should we have a tiered license system? Probably. Will it happen? Never.

As for the ‘busa, while I love them, it’s frustrating how dealers are turning away bikes more than 10 years old for service, and I can almost guarantee this thing needs a valve adjustment, tires, chain, suspension service, and really it should

You’re definitely not wrong. Tesla is far and away the most public ‘self driving’ system out there. Having said that, it’s also dangerous as shit, and they’ve sold it as the holy grail to people that can barely drive. The two times I’ve been in a tesla with someone who used it I was clawing at the door in fear. It

Yeah, I think people are overemphasizing the buyers LTV. He’s probably got a very high salary and can cover the $2,500 a month. A 60 month loan isn’t outlandish, and if the monthly payment is acceptable to him (and the bank approves it), I don’t get the over-reaction. I wouldn’t do it, but hey I’m not this guy. 

JFC bought the rights to manufacture the Hartley V8 as a complete engine back in 2017. I’m not sure if Hartley will still sell you the crankcase / crank kit.

Radical engineering, which I believe is the engine building subset of Radical Sportscars (or vice versa) has their own 70(something) degree Hayabusa v8 as well.

Iconic Motorbikes is following the same gameplan.

I can see what you’re saying. Having said that, it’s a lazy design. They had/have the opportunity to reinvigorate an entire brand, and while choosing to look back on one of the most striking designs from their history is a good call, choosing this dated low-polygon style of design is not forward thinking. It’s like

Wait, so the cost of the gigantic pick-ups and SUVs, that 90% of buyers don’t actually need, will go up? Suddenly I might be a fan of these tariffs.

(I’m kidding, I understand the mess this is going to create) 

I’m running shitty walmart Dextero DAT1's, on my 2012 base Tacoma. Picked them up in a podunk town in Nevada, getting an alignment done at a little shop nearby, then driving through the passes through Colorado. I’ve used the same set of tires through easy/medium trails in West Virginia and traveled all over the

I think you’re giving them too much credit. I suspect that they started with the idea of “Hey, we can do a location based AR app, and make money off of power ups and advertising.” Then they started getting lots of data points and realized, “Wait, we have a lot of location data, I wonder if we can monetize that.”


I’ll flip the script and tell you about two of my favorite DMV Experiences because a) they’re so outlandish and b) they both took place at the Oakland Colosseum DMV. For context, I ran a motorcycle shop in East Oakland for a number of years in the 00's and we would occasionally need to go in to expedite or resolve

This is the most thought provoking comment (to me anyways), on Jalopnik, in years.

I was one of the morons that put a deposit on one of these pieces of garbage. I took the refund when it became apparent that Muskrat wouldn’t hold the initially promised price, and the quality was going to shit. Then he went all nazi.

No matter what it looked like at the intro, the performance per dollar was amazing

^^ THIS!!!

Most people just want an appliance now. Which...fine, I get it. I like the 86. I just wish it had a touch more hp. I don’t need 400, but 300 would be amazing!

And that E28 made you feel something at 70mph. Changing gears, feeling the tires wiggle in corners. I’d take that over a new M5 for everything other than commuting.

Does anyone have a good way to estimate the cost of building a go-kart track?