
Maybe if the guillotine comes out more frequently people will heed the warning.

Compromises are made within every racing series, either through initial intention, or through learned experience. The first question that has to be asked is what are you wanting to compare? Driver skill, or manufacturing capabilities?

Spec series are (supposed) to compare drivers skill in like vs like vehicles.

From my understanding breeder reactors could cut the half life from 1,000s of years down to sub 100, and generate electricity in the process. The problem seem to be that pesky fear of nuclear proliferation, as the process is also ideal for making nuclear weapons material. I think I’d rather have a shorter half life,

Totally. Depending on how far Rivian is with production planning on the R2, VW might be able to offer the Scout plant as the production facility. I am really hoping this gives Rivian the chance at long term success their product seems to deserve.

I believe they sedate the rhinos to cut the horns, but like you said they do a lot of other things like veterinary checkups and tagging at the same time. It really is the ideal solution. Having said that, nothing is fool proof. Pricing the horn appropriately still leaves a big margin between what a poacher is willing

^This. The Audi A4 and VW Passat share the same platform for years. This is exactly what both Rivian and VW (Scout) need. Rivian needs help with the transition from start up to full blown production engineered manufacturer (something VW has been doing forever) and VW needs a platform for Scout.

Strip out some of the

The intent is great, but the action is short sighted. If they think that the poachers are going to be running around with geiger counters and using them before they kill the rhino, they’re insane.

Rhino horn is like fingernails, it grows back. The best solution, as proven elsewhere in Africa, is to work with locals to

Am I the only one whose getting strong Fred Durst vibes off this thing?

Keep ‘em poor, keep ‘em dumb, keep ‘em as a source of labor (either breeding or working). 

Cue the right wing saying, “See! Women don’t even want contraception!”

Yeah this was my thought too. Depending on how far Rivian is on tooling up for the R2 it might make sense for VW to offer up the upcoming scout production facility. I wouldn’t be surprised to see this be a slow take over.

Yup. The whole limited for the sake of status is bullshit. I would be much more impressed by a fair priced (but probably still expensive) drivers car that is available in slow production - but not limited production. 

“the only practical need for an EV to have one is for very high speed, like a track car on a fast, Le Mans-style track.”

I’m not specifically saying you need a manual to have driver engagement. Having said that, the take that the inclusion of a manual transmission is bad for EVs is uneducated. A transmission (any transmission) acts as a torque multiplier, it’s why there have been EVs with integrated 2 and 3 speed transmissions. Tesla

Sigh. I don’t have a problem with electrification of classics. I do have a problem with taking a performance car and claiming that by stuffing a tesla motor in the back its still a performance car. Sure it can go in straight line, an the chassis can turn, but you lose all the things that made this car great to begin

That’s fantastic! And at $22, it’s on par for what I pay now for organic milk ($6.50 per half gallon). What is the company that does that for you?

My old boss was a lawyer and chronic drink then driver. They told me that if ever I was ever pulled over, to always refuse the field test. Make them take you to the hospital for the blood test. It would add an additional hour of time, giving your body enough time to (on average) process 1 drink, lowering your blood

Musk(rat) is a piece of garbage and has been since he was a kid. This isn’t new. It also hasn’t stopped his sycophant toadies from loving him. Hell it may make them love him more. They want to be him. He should be removed from his position in all of ‘his’ companies by board members or shareholders out of duty to the

The ultimate solution would be to switch back to multi-use, easily recyclable, or compostable food and shipping containers. Combine that with local sourcing where possible and hub and spoke distribution to co-inside when not. Kinda like what existed 60 years ago. Milk delivery in glass bottles with pick up and re-use

Ok, so let me get this straight: He’s posting the videos of a group of masked people engaging in illegal activities, on Instagram (and potentially other platforms)?