
Having had a 2017 auto and then switching to a 2012 manual, I’d take the manual every day of the week, off-road and on. Throttle modulation and clutch control off-road is so much better going up or down hill, than trying to let the crawl control do stuff.

I was looking forward to the 2024, but the performance of the

You left out that this happened at a ‘street takeover’ aka ‘sideshow’. Everyone there should be charged, not just the driver. If those kids survive, they’re going to wish they hadn’t for a very long time.

This wasn’t just kids being dumb, this was crowd encouraged stupidity.

This will never stop being funny.

Well this will now push 2nd gen manual trans Tacoma’s over $30k.

Explosives could lead to major collateral damage, and you run the risk of being charged by the ATF for unregistered explosives.

Now serin gas, that might work wonders. (This is NOT A SERIOUS COMMENT)

Affluenza has been used as a successful defense in Texas before...

There are still reservation holders? I mean, I was one when this was announced because at the time it was a killer (potential) product. But that was 6 years ago, when the price was $30k less, and the CEO wasn’t outing himself as a Nazi.

It’s almost like Musk is a snake oil salesman.

This needs more stars. Local hero’s vs insta-fluencers all day long (even if they are factory backed). 

I haven’t watched F1 in years, having said that I’m well aware of both the importance of the engineering, and the driver.

I’m always curious how other drivers would do in cars that were winning, to understand where the balance of vehicle/driver importance lies. Is it a driver over-driving a shitty car to win, or is it

I don’t know if I’ve heard something more Stanford than this.

Well, since Kia/Hyundai dealers already like to charge a premium, and Amazon is currently trying to explain their algo that fixed prices outside of their platform, this should go smashingly.

If ever there was a time to perform a controlled detonation, this is it. You know, to make sure that if it was a bomb, it was destroyed. I guarantee that would stop this from occurring again.

Now playing

I mean, many of these series still run. What about Group B?

And the pension structure makes it worse. They have a racket going where when a cop is a few years from retirement they start giving them massive overtime, during which they’re hitting the gym and doing paperwork, because their annual pension becomes the average of their last 3 (if I remember correctly) years of

Fuck these complaining dealers.
First off, 7 days is insane. Holdback from the manufactures is paid out either annually or every 6 months. Yes the amount of holdback on each unit isn’t as much as the tax credit, but it’s not like this kind of delay is something new.

Secondly, dealers are using outside finance companies

The ‘shot spotter’ system is such bullshit. 

When they catch someone, the city prosecutes, but the police aren’t bothering to investigate or deal with property crimes.

It won’t stop. They’ve found out that it’s basically permissible now so there’s no reason to stop. They’ll steal shit, sell what they can, and destroy what they want because who cares.

I worked in east oakland in the late ‘00s and there was a balance between what was acceptable (riding dirt bikes on the street was ok)

They already ignore it. I had my rental car broken into at the In ‘n Out near the Colosseum last year. We were sitting outside watching the car because we knew how bad it could be, and a un-plated bright blue Hyundai coupe pulled up in front of the car, then someone came around from behind the car with one of our bags