
This tech has been around for twenty years. Sand SLA is great for doing small run sand casting, where you want to make sure there is no core-shift. You can design your 3d solid model and the ‘printer’ lays out a thin layer of sand, then binder, then another layer of sand (sort of like the old starch printers but

^^ This.

Put the money into expanding Tesla’s network - as a public investment. Then anti-trust them to separate out the charging system and create a public good.

I used to think that Kunis was the ‘better’ actor between her and Kutcher, but damn. Her performance in reading that pre-prepared ‘apology’ made Kutcher’s look almost Oscar worthy.

So 2oz of coke, 1oz of special k, two pistols, and 1 sex worker.

That’s a lot less than what I was expecting based on the headline. 

Maybe I can help you explain to foreigners why it’s such a serious matter, and more serious than the all the feelings around Bush and Cheney from way back.

Bush, while not being the smartest of presidents, didn’t intentionally try to rig an election, before lying about it to his constituents, getting them into a

Don’t continue to exalt this crap. The only reason ‘competently run companies’ have success in pushing people back to the office is because of fear. Sure there are handfuls of people who like being in the office all the time, but overall in-person has been shown to be no more efficient or productive than remote work.


A friend of mine rear ended a delivery scooter at like 3 mph (she didn’t see him at the stop light, but that’s a different thing) in her Tesla model X. Broke the headlight, fucked up the bumper and dented the fender.

$10,000 estimate.

My local middleschool would beg to differ: https://www.gazettenet.com/Belchertown-middle-school-investigating-alleged-antisemitism-50573953

For everyone saying “CA has lots of off-road parks” - sure, but you have to get to them, and for a lot of the riders it’s not like they have a pick up they can just load a bike into and take out to the hills.

This is about instant local fun, not about planning a day to go ride.

A concrete park for this kind of stuff

And? We’ve had over 20% inflation since 2019. 

Well now, i think this might qualify for Illinois’ red flag law. They weren’t coming before, but I think they might be able to now.

“We take a very methodical and thoughtful approach to how we look at our vehicle pricing,”

Fixed it for you.

So just a different bumper / headlight, and paint treatment. 

Smithsonian or Library of Congress. Those are the only proper locations for this.

Speed limits aren’t the problem. Poor driver education in this country is the problem, compounded with people driving 6,000+ vehicles that don’t stop as rapidly as they think they can.

Trinity was the first test to understand what the devices could do. We didn’t know what kind of damage, radiologically, could be done.

Now the Green Run incident an Hanford. That’s pure fucking evil.

I’m curious to see how Tesla tries to adjust pricing on the thousands of pre-orders for the cyber truck. Those deposits were placed based on published prices, the same way Rivian started their order deposits. Rivian wound up in a lot of hot water for bait and switch on pricing, including SEC and class action lawsuits.

This needs more stars

The vehicle choice is less of an issue than the storage aspect. I looked into doing this last year with a vehicle I had to pick up from cali. I was considering keeping it somewhere out west in the dry, like Utah or NV, and asked a bunch of people about it. The consensus was do not store it outside, or where any