
There is a very specific cause of this:
From this article:https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/big-oil-profits-climate-1.6739808#:~:text=U.S.%20rival%20Chevron%20said%20its,the%20company’s%20114%2Dyear%20history.

Koenig and Strosek called, they’d like to remind you that they were doing over the top 928s long before whoever puked up this horrid interior.

1st gear counter-take: Not paying bounties keeps security flaws open, which leads to easier rooting methods, and thus access to all paywall protected functions as well as opening up doorways to performance tuning solutions. 

Cops have rear-facing radar.

Well that’s not kosher.

If I was a lawyer I’d be salivating at the potential for a giant class action suit when this thing is released and he screws over every reservation holder by jacking prices through the roof. 

I’m confused:

On my many travels across the US, the point of thruway rest stops has been efficiency. Go in, eat fast, use the facilities, gas up, grab snacks, go. Having been in a number of shake shacks, and busy chick-fil-a’s, I can say from experience that efficiency is going to go to hell. The wait time at a quiet Shake Shack is

Good god. There are a couple of good ways to apply the ‘transmission’ model to performance EVs, but this (as described isn’t it).

Just allow for ‘shifting’ which adjusts throttle response curve and regenerative braking percentages. Lower ‘gears’ have higher regen and faster throttle response, higher has lower regen

What the ever-living-fuck? Sure, the kid sounds like he’s got some very serious psychological issues, but charging him as an adult doesn’t/won’t fix that. Whose gun did he have access to / get ahold of? I know it’s Wisconsin, but if people knew enough to know this kid needed to be watched, they probably should have

750 i4s have always had enough torque for stoplight to stoplight fun. It’s definitely a cost and packaging issue.

600 i4s require ringing the snot out of them to have fun (and that can be fun in and of itself), but the i4 750s have always been a sweet spot. Plenty of torque, but amazing hp for their weight and size.


For the people saying “Just don’t buy it,” if all the dealers are doing this, it removes the ability to buy at the price GM has marketed the car at. If the cars don’t sell, GM won’t make more, and the whole thing goes to shit.

Just let us order direct from the manufacturer and pick the delivery/service provider. 

1991 Audi Avus:

The only thing that kept Tesla continuously profitable is their carbon credit selling. 

Vehicle weights keep going up. A disproportionate change in death and crash stats like that cannot be put at speed, distraction, and drunk driving alone.

At least breeder reactors actually exist. It’s just the damn fear of nuclear proliferation that stops it from being implemented. The Sstar reactors might be a few years out - if anyone bothers to invest in them. I’m curious what the cost of a breeder reactor is vs traditional nuclear plants. 

Wow, someone’s butt hurt.

Cagiva =/= MV Agusta. It was a brand all by itself long before being purchased by the Castiglioni brothers, under the Cagiva banner. Cagiva was the parent company, and did the design work across brands using the same team. 

You’re close. The Castiglioni brothers owned both Cagiva and Ducati, with Ducati under Cagiva, up until they sold Ducati to Texas Pacific Group in ‘98. The sale was due to the costs incurred through Cagiva’s GP efforts, and the development of what would become the MV Agusta F4 (penned by the designer of the Ducati 916)

Oh, hi. I see you haven’t noticed the lack of progress by Subaru since the 2005 STi.

gah kinja... https://fb.watch/91BT-vZXV_/