
It’s realistic, not hypocritical. And yes, a very NYC take. People make choices for themselves every day. Some of those choices put an individual in a dangerous position.

There are signs around the subway stations saying not to grab the side of a train because you can be killed. This does not appear to be a cry for

There are a few things at play:

Hanging out in the left lane at the speed limit is the safest place for everyone to drive.

“Wanna Mista? Don’cha wanna? Wanna Mista?”

If I could pick up the car at the port and save 50% of the fee (or more) I’d be down for doing so. Hell, I’d fly down to Texas and pick up a Tacoma at the factory if they’d let me.

If you steal something, you best know how to drive it, and the limits of the vehicle. High centering a tank is a bad idea.

How about an over/under water shot from Boston to NYC to Virginia?

“One of them just gets to be the non-record-holding stepchild.”

What will it take? Simple, promise me the following:

First look: cute as hell.

Speculators at non-racing events, are equivalent to pedestrians. As long as they’re not in the street, there should be an expectation of safety. It is not on the organizers to control pedestrian activities.

(S)“He’s going for distance.”

Best, as in most entertaining through a showing of fortitude. Indeed, the best way to finish is rubber side down, ahead of everyone else.

For those talking of participation trophies, he’s not whining about the single point he got for crossing the line. He understands the game is long, and sometimes positions (and

Well, I guess we know that BMW has decided to partner with Lyft instead of Uber

Careful, the Honda fanboys will all over you with a statement like that.

First Gear:

There are three types of plates that I’m familiar with, though there may be even more.

But what about an M2 Gran Coupe?

Now my head hurts.