
“Junior thinkers.”

“Most people don’t live in big metropolitan targets, they live in sleepy backwaters.”

It’s hard for an internet comment to be so stupid that it stands out, but you’ve done it.

Why would an on-the-cusp-of-A-List actress take a role in what sounds like a big budget, Lifetime Movie of the Week?

I don’t follow your logic.

Not sure that’s the case.

Have you ever tried on a pair of receiver gloves? Tackier than dunking your hands in a barrel of tar.

Thanks for this.

I don’t have to tell myself because the data speaks loud and clear.

By whom? Trump supporters and Putin?

Intellectual dishonesty should be for their side, not ours.

Thanks, Thorin.

Nothing about laptops?

Depending on how you break it up, 60lbs of coke is worth between $1.0 and $2.5 million dollars.

The thing is, it’s a legitimate problem that women athletes worry about.

One legitimate argument would be to point out that the Men’s Doubles Champions receive a far smaller prize than the Men’s Single’s Champions, providing a precedent for tying prize money to popularity.

Our personalities are shaped by social feedback. When you’re a normal, you learn pretty quickly when your jokes don’t work or when some interpersonal habit is not effective.

“How could you work on a campaign, with all the bullshit you have to put up with, if you didn’t honestly believe that you could win?”

Because that would be really cold. The article doesn’t suggest not using blankets.

Are you getting your health information from the 1950's?