
Funny that collective bargaining suppresses the wages of top level pro athletes. Huh. Maybe that applies to top tier workers in other industries too.

Someone offers me 94 million for a job I can’t do...I’m taking it. Fast. They offered. It’s on them.

His story with the colts is going to end worse than RGIII’3 did with Washington. They ruined him. They know it. But they are at least trying to make him whole again...unlike Washington and rg.

Lalalalalalala...I can’t hear you.

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

Ya know, it’s ok for people to disagree with you. Just as ok as it is for you to disagree with them. Except this guy has done more in the real world than anyone who has ever worked for any gawker site has ever done for anything. I happen to disagree with him, but that’s hardly relevant.

Does deadspin ever report on actual sports? Or do you all just write about other media outlets? People talk about other people when they lack original ideas.

US soccer fans like him are at least some of the reason why the rest of us don’t love soccer except WC time.

I live near two horse farms that rent stalls. The clients and owners are 100% blue collar regular people.

Well....I don’t work for someone else. I work for myself. Others should do what’s right for them. If they choose to work through lunch to be more productive, come on later, or leave earlier, that’s up to them. I’d trust someone to make the right decision for themself. Now in my shop people aren’t allowed to work

Well....I don’t work for someone else. I work for myself. Others should do what’s right for them. If they choose to

That’s a rather self centered way of viewing things. There are a million reasons why an individual would want to cut down on lunch time, or any specific meal time, to save time. Having a horrible job that may or may not pay well is one potential one. Another might be that they prefer to get their work done and get

That’s a rather self centered way of viewing things. There are a million reasons why an individual would want to cut

The point may not be to keep the poor off the road, but that is a consequence. Unintended consequences and the seen and unseen and all that. How many people never improve their economic circumstances because they can never get a vehicle and expand their work and education opportunities? It’s certainly a larger number

The Germans sure are good at keeping poor people with ratty rides off the road. But then, their licensing requirements alone do a lot of that.

That sounds like a completely appropriate use of the cash to me.

So much right with this post. But you keep repeating one key mistake over and over. If this was cleaned up players could work in a regulated market. You miss the key. The heavily regulations are EXACTLY the problem. Heavily regulated markets always favor the incumbents. In this case the NCAA. They need a less

So this is potentially going to save my family and me from death or injury in the case of an accident. And it costs me 100 pounds in extra mass, plus a few extra $ that is unspecfied. Sounds like a bargain. I’ll the that everyday and twice on Sundays.

Dude has been in the league for 14 seasons. Many of them as an all star. The average NBA career is what, 3 seasons or so? He’s going to be in the league for at least one more year and probably several more on 1 year contracts by teams in need of rebounding help. He might even reinvent himself as a veteran defender to

The plot goes deeper though. Drew magary is actually drew Carey with a stunt person filling in. The rest of the deadspin staff are knock off of knock offs.

Weird that you’d go to someone’s employer for domestic violence. Seems like the cops would be first on the list there.