So much virtue signaling in this post. Just lame. Lame all around.
So much virtue signaling in this post. Just lame. Lame all around.
Got a little dust in my eye. Dust, that’s it.
I think this is less of a story than it’s made out to be. Floyd is hardly doing his own taxes and writing checks himself. His accountants and lawyers are probably constantly restating proit and losses. So he’s deferring and then refiling various forms as the amount due changes.
I’ve been wondering about that myself.
Except when you change the (vacuum) bag.
Michael Jackson.
Only cause less than 40% wouldn’t know Blake if he was standing next to them.
So exactly what mitt Romney was saying in 2012. And what Obama disputed at the time. Weird huh?
Does Michael Caine imagine himself speaking like Michael Caine?
Found the Mets fan. Hey now.
Exactly my thoughts. But they need more tax dollars to fix stuff...yeah...maybe when they spend the money they have wisely we can talk.
Well, he’s a Ravens fan so shitting himself isn’t out of the question anytime.
Sorry about watching all those Jets games.
Those countries worth roads that can barely be called roads, and porpotionally fewer cars contribute much more to the global death toll than the US, Europe, and the like.
Nice price...because I appreciate the crazy in life. Why does this creation exist? Because it can.
This guy just doesn’t know when to lay off does he? He went out and had shirts made that say “stay in yo lane”. Unbelievable.
So like super crazy pms. Except instead of figuratively killing people werewolves are literally killing them.
I always need to drive the car I’m buying. Sometimes a brand new car seems off. But another identical one doesn’t. Don’t want to get the lemon.
Well, if he is gay and not out of the closet it would be big news to out him this way. But I guess gawker is pretty comfortable with that.