
Then why did your social media team apologize to China first before any statement was given? OmegaLUL

Brack’s statement concerning Blitzchung’s statements “having had nothing to do with their decision” is about as full of shit as it gets. They absolutely kowtowed to China, and now they’re trying to reverse course amidst a firestorm of pushback.

Here’s the thing: corporations absolutely have the right to associate

“The specific views expressed by blitzchung were NOT a factor in the decision we made,” wrote Brack. “I want to be clear: our relationships in China had no influence on our decision...”

Nacho Fries just need to be permanent, please.

i mean, if i gave a shit what people like you thought, i’d have a pretty unsuccessful business

I didn’t read it as ‘at least we’re not Hitler’, mostly because that’s a strawman you just created, but more of a ‘grow the fuck up, just install another launcher on your PC, it’s not a big deal, stop the incessant whinging’, which I think is pretty reasonable and I respect them for having the stones to say it.

The irony here is you’re the one lumping that together by falling back into the “you just hate conservatives” thing. If you’re going to be a dishonest whiny troll, at least try and be a competent one. 

You’ve made two falsities here.

Youtube has been criticized for radicalizing people with its algorithm by gradually recommending them more and more extremist content as they watch. That’s what throws a wrench in the seeking out and parental monitoring argument, quite a bit of youtube consumption doesn’t involve actively searching for content, but

This right-wing victimhood is fucking exhausting. 

Because men are trash.

As gamers, we face every type of preconception and stereotype from the outset

Actually, this is exactly what they want. They want to pay for their kids, their trash collectors, their city services, and nada mas.

I think it gets complicated by the company’s context of botching so much of social media and some of the rumblings from the show floor about how this latest demo was handling race. That’s a problem with the genre as a whole, but it doesn’t sound like 2077 is approaching that sort of thing with the greatest sense of

You are correct, electricians are getting fucked as well given that their work is incredibly valuable to our daily lives.

Fuck off with that tired-ass false equivalency bullshit.

Read the article, brain trust. 

Obviously didn’t bother to read the article and. only read the headline.

Gross, before expenses. Their actual pay before taxes would likely be $15 or so. It’s right in the article.

The two children are dying because they’re starving to death and experiencing sickness from fallout. That is inherently “suffering” and it doesn’t matter whether it’s one set of children or the other (that criticism could be levied at any film’s characters). The deaths themselves are only incidental to the end of the