
While the perfect is the enemy of the good, the mediocre will kill it just as well. Biden is an awful candidate. The 1% already have Trump. Maybe pick a candidate that thinks beyond the upper 10%.

“If you’re an A.V. Club reader, you probably share our general cynicism for promotional nonsense.”

“he also seems to have some sort of anger in him”

Remarkably stupid comment, thank you.

Too bad about those roads and public school funding though.....

“At the same time, though, both books seem to have suffered from the exact same issue that affects so many other comics with leads who aren’t straight white men. The books came out, there was little to no promotion around them, sales slumped, and now they’re most likely being axed.”

A quick search of the Internet

People have been working harder for the past 40 years, as the socio-economic chasm has exploded, mobility has fallen behind more than a dozen countries, and wages compared to most cost of living factors have stagnated. Work harder.

People who make half a million dollars a year are rich, you dope.

We gotta complain about a Marvel event somehow.

None of Marvel’s current events are “major” crossovers like Secret Empire was. SE interrupted dozens of comics - Infinity Countdown looks like it’ll be completely self-contained. So I don’t see what the big deal is.


...none of these are major crossovers? All are 4 titles or less, which is a drop in the bucket compared to the 25-ish comprehensive ones they’ve sworn off of for now. The first few months of Rebirth prove how boring an absolutely zero-crossover stint can get, so I’m damn happy we’re getting what we are.

In Mexico, Cinepolis was kind to us and generously cut the reel down to start at the ending credits of the Frozen horseshit.

how often do you see rapists and sexual harassers on death row? or even convicted?

Congratulations, you have contributed to why people don’t come forward!

One fun context clue to figure out if this question wasn’t appropriate is that the woman who was asked the question is saying that it wasn’t appropriate.

Look, I know this seems excessive given how well Disney is doing, but I think it’s important to keep in perspective that it costs a lot of money to make a small group of people wealthy enough to embarrass the devil.

Long after a work outlives its authors, individual interpretation is all we have. Every way of looking at a work is going to be different from what the author intended, if only slightly. Every reality is shaped by your own perception, so why not just go along with it?

That’s.... that’s really the only way to approach analysis in the vast majority of cases. While intent often does matter in some context, creators aren’t god, and can’t really foresee all the possible consequences of their creations. And they often don’t tell us much either. How else would you approach analysis?


When writing critically, I’m less concerned with intent than with what a work communicates. Whatever MachineGames intentions were are secondary to what the game actually says in and of itself.