
I wait until I’m asked for a dick pic, because I was raised right, I’m old-fashioned, I’m a gentleman.

Didn’t much help his wife’s boss, either.

So, basically... “bitch set me up.” Got it.

He was investigating the removal and rearrangement of neolithic stones as the possible work of dark wizards for an ancient dark ritual. But it turned out it was just muggles being dumbasses.

Fucking Thompson.

Only if it drinks too much.

Druids gon’ druid.

If it’s from the Neolithic period but not legally protected can I still draw a dick on it?

Bunch of hypocrites.

Daniel Ratcliffe, inspector of ancient monuments at Historic England South West, said: “Two circuits of stone-built ramparts survive at Stowe’s Pound within which there are remains of house platforms and cairns, and it is from these ancient archaeological features that many of the stones are being taken to

Oh sure, when ancients stacked stones at Stonehenge it gets celebrated, but when I do it it gets frowned on.

Or are we just coming after her w pitchforks no matter what?

I haven’t read the study but I bet the crossover between those who won’t live together before marriage and those who “don’t believe” in divorce is pretty darn high. That’s some results skewing nonsense. They might be married but is one about to be murdered on a cruise ship? Because this letter shows exactly why you

Sing along, kids!

Exactly. You can talk my ear off, I won’t absorb a thing. But if I read it, then have someone verbally supplement that information, I do much better.

I almost always got way more out of reading the text than sitting through lectures, especially for math and physics type courses. It all depends on your personal learning style and the type of course you’re taking though.

Please forgive my rant.

Honestly, I would shop at Fat Girl Clothing for Fat Girls if I could find some decent, non-vanity sizing and well made basics. Stop with the useless, patronizing - fabulous size, queen sizes, curvy sizes. I’m a fat adult woman who does not need clothing tags to make me feel better.

Wait Kmart still exists???