The Mountain that Rides Up Your Ass
The Mountain that Rides Up Your Ass
Actually, women work more hours outside than home than in decades past, but men haven’t picked up the slack at home to a corresponding degree.
Wait wasn’t 2012 recently? Can you seriously hear a significant era change??
Whitefish Bay is known not-so-affectionately as White Folks Bay
Pretty much. The truth is, if you as an event organizer believe that there is a credible threat of violence at one of your events and you ignore it, you will basically be lumped in with the actual assailant at least in the eyes of the press. Maybe there were other avenues they could have explored to avoid cancelling…
You mean free fertiliser in the road, right?
See, I see this as an economic opportunity. People could start horse poop scooping businesses and make bank!
Gotta get me some “Feel the Bern” gel nails.....
And lol to you calling a football stadium a cathedral. I’m sure that makes it ok. I mean, technically, you’re all just praying for the victims in a church today, right?
“They would have wanted it this way.”
Completely agree with #2. It’s a time to sit down and use your words, not cop out with a face.
That’s not totally true. I look at cover letters, scheduling emails, and resumes for evidence of writing skills. If you know what to look for, those can reveal a whole lot.
So instead of acknowledging the difference between reckless and intentional, you curse at a guy who was trying to provide info contrary to initial reports quoted in this story. Nice job.
And to that I say; look at the sequel, Modern Warfare 3, where the Russian military outright invades and occupies the American East Coast and most of Europe following the (mostly) continent-wide deployment of chemical weapons. (Oh and there was the whole “we nuked 50,000 U.S. soldiers in MW2”-thing.)
This is so fucking sad.
How did those two make a Prince Charles?