
Maybe not, but the way he rides was very much the business of his passenger, who is still in pretty bad shape. He didn’t deserve to be hit, but I don’t get the need to defend the rider, either. Passing a line of cars on a double yellow, driving without a license, driving without safety gear... these are not

I really don’t see anyone saying that. But it is possible to point out that the rider was also doing something wrong, without it being labelled as victim blaming or justification.

Who is saying he deserved it? It’s amazing what people will use to justify starting an argument when there isn’t one these days...

And guess what - it’s generally safer on a bike to go slightly faster than traffic (better control of the situation), so being stuck behind someone slow is really almost the last place you want to be.

It’s like they included the word “native” just to piss people off; I don’t understand why else they would use that phrase.

Maybe I’m being overly cynical, but I’m guessing that condoms and birth control are made available because they do help prevent STDs and unwanted pregnancies - because those are expensive for everyone (insurance costs). Paying for tampons only costs money, it doesn’t save any, so it’s less likely to get support.

Good god that’s disturbing. I love it.

I think we’ve all been there. I’ve never been late to a class, but I’ve had close calls. We’re really not that forgetful or lazy, just very busy and pulled in fifty directions at once, and seemingly important things are often left to the last minute or never gotten to at all.

Seriously. Professors are known for being absent-minded, disorganized, and passionate (I am one, and there’s some truth to it). None of those are qualities I’d want in a gun owner. There’s no way in hell I’d ever carry one, and I look forward to someone explaining why that makes me part of the problem for not

He does realize that if NO ONE in the room had a gun, things would have been MUCH better, right?

Oh, that makes sense now (duh). I was wondering how you’d eat a pizza with hot sauce and cheese on both sides - I figured maybe knife and fork, but then what’s the point? Eating it cold would do the trick. Though I’d still rather have hot, boring pizza, to be honest.

True, I just find the extent to which people will believe what they want to believe absolutely fascinating. They were pretty good artists, though, and certainly very clever!

I had forgotten about those pictures! I remember hearing about them years ago, and I really had a hard time believing anyone thought they were real.

Calm down, that’s not what she said and you know it.

This is a bit of a stretch. Her life will never be the same. That doesn’t mean she’s better off dead, just that “getting better soon” is not in the cards.