Damn It All

Hey, HEY! You and your logic is not welcome here.

ZMF's yearly contributions alone are enough to justify this entire exercise.

This is absolutely nothing short of preposterous. You should be ashamed.

Thanks bud. Is this last person to speak wins? If so, I concede.

That is very astute of you. Yes, that is why I chose it. Together with the name they make for a potent one-two punch. And may I also congratulate you on your screen name. An arbitrary fictional character is definitely a better choice than an arbitrary medical condition. Maybe a more obscure book would have fit your

Hey look, your buddies are at it again. Hope you guys like my screen-name!!!11!!1

It seems like I've seen this movie before. Bigshot commenter makes bad joke, gets called out, rallies troops, troops rummage through comment history, find nothing, resort to clutching at the fact that aliases that took two seconds to think of just to finish the damn registration process are indicators of

I think you have this backwards. It's all these other kids that deserve pie.

I think the idea here is that if you cut out a little bit of the little 'e', it looks like a 2. Still stupid, but nowhere near as stupid as you make it sound to be.

You misspelled 'taek'. Just a heads-up for the next time you use this original response.

You don't like a guy pimping his homers? Don't let him hit homers.

his dad and some of his buddies bet 400 British pounds, the equivalent of $171 U.S. dollars each


God, the American sports scene is just the absolute worst.

As long as I'm paying their salaries, I can do whatever the hell I want.

1. Irrational hate is the right of every sports fan and neither you nor Deadspin will ever be able to do anything about it, nor should you.

God, the American sports scene is just the worst. Everything is so artificial. Your sports constantly need to manufacture heroes and villains to keep the viewer interested. Every irrational hater - and make no mistake, irrational hate is the right of a sports fan - is met with accusations of racism. Your journalists,


The Vine is for you, but GIFs are forever.