
Anybody else remember when the Conservative line was, “Obama isn’t experienced enough to be president”?

Once again you missed the best one:

He was moving his arms and legs prior to going on the cart. Hopefully mostly precautionary.



What if we treat women like irreplaceable partners in greatness to be loved like life itself...to be fought over and won?

Republican Election Postmortem Report, 2016:

Well, he cited the non-existent Crime Statistics Bureau of San Francisco when he posted the complete lie that 81% of murdered white people were killed by blacks...

He later tweeted, “If the story says “sources said”, it’s a LIE, but if it says, “people are saying”, then it’s completely true.

Yes, but not the kind I so callously joked about.

The Fondling Irish pushing for nothing to be done in the face of clear civil rights violations is based on the success they had doing nothing about grown men diddling little boys.

Does the dead body of Jimmy The Greek know you raid his wardrobe?

I look forward to the Donald’s next bankruptcy, which should come within months of his well-deserved ass-kicking.

It was completely obvious. I said it during the live blog and I’m pretty sure a 12 year old kid in Greenland beat me to it.

Oh he didn’t deliver? Weak.

Here it comes....

Nuclear weapons? Snore.


I guarantee Trump would piss hot for coke right now. He clearly hit lines just before coming out.

Aaaand he’s shilling his Florida joint. Mar-a-Lago?