
Man she is bringing the racist hammer down hard on Trump. We’ll see how that plays.

In Russia, Cathrine the Great rides you?

Stop and Frisk will engender better community/police relations I’m sure.

Aaaaand, he’s shilling his hotel.

Really? The “audit lie” again? But he’s got some other thing...

Trump brought his #Phelpsface

He loves saying “Secretary”.

Trump asks question of Hillary demands she not answer it.

What do they do different than us? Pay a dollar a day to their workers dumbass.

BOOM! Immediate Doom from Trump.

Ok I’ll cop to a bit of oversimplification. But if you’re going to say that the predominant factors in his support don’t include unreasonable fear and xenophobia you’ve never been to one of his rallies. Lot of rage going on that’s misdirected away from people like Trump, who crime their way through life sucking

This is absolutely the finest Hillary/Trump comparison (PG-rated division) I have ever seen.

Hillary tells the same lies politicians have been telling since known history: Trump shits on people for his personal gain.

OK let me back up a bit and help you out.

I’m am suitably chastened. Ups to you sir!

OK, Imma type slow so you can read it OK.

This is an A-B conversation dim bulb-C your way out of it.

I once got my parents to rent “Videodrome” for me...got to the part where a large cock starts coming out of the TV when mom came in to see how things were going.

While I respect your observational acumen, judging from events in these United States recently, it is painfully obvious that white guys can already shoot black guys without consequence.

Well, why didn’t you say so? OK, then, here is my complete and absolutely 100% foolproof methodology for fact-checking Trump tonight (you can use it like it’s yours):