Meh. That scenario didn’t even get a passing nod in 2012 (PUMAs in place of BernieorBusters), and it was right down your hypothetical alley.
Meh. That scenario didn’t even get a passing nod in 2012 (PUMAs in place of BernieorBusters), and it was right down your hypothetical alley.
Not a fair point. As I posted to Masshole, if your vote is indeed “meaningless”, then you cannot by definition gain any moral currency voting “not Hillary”.
OK how about this? If your vote is “meaningless”, which is your strong implication, then there is no moral superiority to be gained from it regardless of who you pull the lever for. Ergo, voting for Stein puts the hard work on the rest of us, while you get to “enjoy” a non-Trump-run America while skating on the elbow…
Pardon me, but I’m here about the pot.
I guess the problem for people like me, an inveterate Hill hater turned supporter, is that, while I didn’t support Bernie and I view his platform with deep skepticism, no one would’ve had to convince me of anything were he to have gotten the nom. I’d pull the lever for him with gusto and without a single coddle.
Miss Teen USA: Now 20% more molestery!
Just remember, ladies voting for Jill’s not that Trump will revert you to 2nd class citizens, or that he’s the greatest threat to women’s rights in the last hundred years. It’s Hillary’s fault because she won’t give you a reason to vote for her.
Can’t wait to see the same...uh, people...that are voting for Jill Stein now picketing outside the White House a year from now while President Trump signs legislation making it legal to rape your wife if she won’t “put out”, and reminiscing about how their vote was someone else’s fault.
Maybe its because Shailene Woodley is the Hayden Christensen of this awful franchise.
Uh, no. The dangerous and unpleasant thing is to vote for Hillary. Bernie/Jill/Nobody voters are cowards if they put their feckless zealotry for perfection ahead of the common, and actually attainable, goal of first assuring that Trump does not get elected under any circumstance.
Counterpoint: That’s exactly how democracy is supposed to work.
I will speak of you kindly to my alien overlords when they come to subjugate this miserable planet and its puny humans.
Actually it’s more like a “They did it too (but not really the same and in fact in a quite different context and set of circumstances but whatevs)” way.
cow·ard ˈkou(ə)rd/ noun
Thank you for winning my bet for me. My adversaries went with “Real Liberals” and “Non-sellouts” but I the man.
I just assumed Obama used his time machine to find out that Garland would never be approved anyway so why not go out continuing to look like the guy who tried to get along. IRL it’s win win. Hillary gets to nominate a harder left Justice. Cred.
I was under the impression that’s what many of his supporters called themselves. I’d be happy to use some other instantly recognizable identifier if you have one in mind.
Actually I didn’t assume anything, I just tried to answer your question.
No just this one time. I think you’ll find if you scan my posts I don’t have a habit of doing that.