
Thank you for winning my bet for me. My adversaries went with “Real Liberals” and “Non-sellouts” but I knew...you the man.

I just assumed Obama used his time machine to find out that Garland would never be approved anyway so why not go out continuing to look like the guy who tried to get along. IRL it’s win win. Hillary gets to nominate a harder left Justice. Cred.

I was under the impression that’s what many of his supporters called themselves. I’d be happy to use some other instantly recognizable identifier if you have one in mind.

Actually I didn’t assume anything, I just tried to answer your question.

No just this one time. I think you’ll find if you scan my posts I don’t have a habit of doing that.

I guess I’m saying that some people need entirely too much stroking. One would think the prospect of a Trump would absolutely be enough to convince most anyone to work actively to avoid that as a first priority.

I know America’s wang still has a Republican Secretary of State.

Any Bernie Bro who saw Mike Pence’s speech and still plans on voting Jill Stein or writing in Bernie is a Goddamn coward.

Gonna go with “hellspawn” here, in deference to Ben Carson.

Yeah, but did they bump again and then they bumped again?

Was hoping for Hamlet, got My Little Pony.

Why does that uppity bastard Obama and his family get to go gallivanting around time changing birth certificates and ripping off My Little Pony bromides Goddammit?!

Alternately, I humbly submit Calvin Harris’ next award-acceptance speech:

Can’t wait for Taylor to whinge out another petulant awards speech about how she rose to fame all by herself without any help from anyone ever except her dazzling talent*.

If only we had had these e-mails post-9/11, there would have been no need for (physical) torture and we would’ve caught Bin Laden approximately forty-two seconds after making the first detainee read them, Clockwork-Orange-Style.

RightNutter World:

GFY. What part of “Protect and SERVE” don’t you understand?

The situation in policing is the same as the situation in the GOP: Everyone knows there are racists in the bunch, but absolutely no one will admit it and purge those fuckers and move on.

Don’t you Penn State Dumbasses watch TV? Your insurance only covers you if Kool-Aid man destroys your house, a bunch of deer have a pool party in your backyard, or a full-size gas grill bounces out of the pick-em-up-truck in front of you on the highway.