
I give zero fucks if some other poster already said this...all you sad sacks step away from the trophy, it motherfucking goes to the 2005 Seattle Seahawks, who got screwed out of the Super Bowl by Rothlesburger’s dad, who was apparently reffing that day when they called holding on Matt Hasselbeck (replay showed he

Just another good reason to amend the 8th Amendment to remove “cruel and unusual punishment”.

Living up to your handle-you’re doing it right.

On an unrelated note, thanks for making me look up John Rawls you bastard! Now I’ll never get back the four hours of into-the-matrix Rawls research I’m about to burn through in the internets...

The Trey Gowdy of the 90's, who blew through taxpayer money like paper towels while working for a philanderer to catch another, somewhat more charming philanderer in a lie, isn’t an above-board kind of guy?

Dude I’m late to the game and have no beef.

lolz I’m pretty sure Denton is purposely hiding comments from me until I say something n00bish, then he let’s them show so everyone can laugh at me.

Well I’m certainly not a legal expert and will take your word for it. My sitch was nearly 20 years ago and in Ohio.

I swear officer, that damning evidence was not there when I committed the crime!

Not too rain on your parade too hard, but temporary restraining orders are in fact issued on the flimsiest of evidence if any. Permanent R.O.s are what you’re thinking of.

I’ll probably catch shit for this, but sorry Amber, not buying it. This is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too contrived and convenient to her needing to suck Johnny dry due to the fact that no human director will ever hire her again and her sugar daddy has grown weary of her company.

You people couldn’t work “hemorrhaging” into your puns?!?

Shoe dove


Heil Hitler=HH=H is the 8th letter off the alphabet=88=Heil Hitler.

Good point. But there are already additional penalties for shooting a cop. This is like another another thing. And while I certainly do not object to “protecting cops”, and frankly do not really view this as that big of a deal, it does get a little tiresome that these politicians (in this case Dem governor and Repub

Criminal A: “Hey fellow criminal, what sorts of crimes are you committing today?”

Shooting firefighters-STILL illegal in all fifty states, and the greater civilized world.

Contards universally reject gun control laws because “criminals don’t care about your librul laws!” and only law-abiding citizens will obey them.

I’m pretty sure Loria is counting on Climate Change to not only wipe out his stadium debt, but probably pay off handsomely on that insurance he probably has on the joint.