The fatal flaw in Humanity is that we are too lazy to save ourselves if not saving ourselves is even marginally easier.
The fatal flaw in Humanity is that we are too lazy to save ourselves if not saving ourselves is even marginally easier.
As a white male, I would like to extend my continuing gratitude to women for their repeated failure to vote. Just because you COULD bring sanity and a voice of your own to the table doesn't mean you should. Just keep on letting me put you in the corner, and never ever do anything about it.
I had to scroll more than five inches and accidently learned at least two other things I didn't want to know about Chipotle thanks to your "link".
Lovin' beats two thousand seven hundred and sixty-three calories that doesn't even really satisfy your hunger and that quite honestly I could produce a far superior product much healthier and tastier for just a white middle class guy's pocket change more.
In the spirit of walking a mile in another man's shoes, today I am walking in the shoes of a Conservative, so-
Clearly the way to stop this is to mount a Jumbotron outside Created Equal's HQ and broadcast images of men kissing and poor people receiving with fire, baby!
Said no one not born in Wisconsin ever.
Funny you should use that term, friends and I refer to the latest "trend" of 'fancifying' the name (Bud Light "Platinum") , putting the beer in aluminum bottles, and charging twice as much, as "sucker beer", since only douchey dudes are ever seen with one in their hands.
Left nut, off the leg, corner pocket!
Sorry people, but Bahston RedSawks fans BLOW EVERYONE ELSE AWAY.
For the last time...we only discriminated against him because he's Muslim.
The guards, the guards, always with the guards!
Just want to say that in Japan, they absolutely nail the Big Mac. Close your eyes and you're back in fat-ass America.
Nothing Burgers- The rich man's Wish Sandwich.
If she's not suing PA's ass off as we speak, well she should have thought of that before she wasn't rich.
I only read the first six words in headlines so...glad I never joined a fraternity if this is the kind of thing they not only do, but announce they're doing.