The height of irony considering the GOP displays classic batterer mentality- Abuse, promise to change, change nothing, abuse, repeat.
The height of irony considering the GOP displays classic batterer mentality- Abuse, promise to change, change nothing, abuse, repeat.
As always, I'd like to take this opportunity to say Taylor Swift sucks in the most horrible fashion humanly possible.
Keith Olbermann Gives Zero Fucks So Hard That Actual Fucks Are Produced That Give Zero Keith Olbermanns
Deadspin BLASTS Excessively Dramatic Headlines in the Face So Hard That Excessively Dramatic Headlines Hold Press Conference to Formally Apologize to Deadspin and The Nation for it's Face Having Been in the Path of Deadspin's Shot
Has anyone mentioned what a big fucking deal this is yet?
Well, somebody's wiping Peyton Manning cum off their chin today, aren't they, Drew?
Just to clarify, I was not surprised that despite disparaging you, he desires you. I also have no sympathy or excuse for him, he is an unabashed scum. I can only thank the ethereal Creator that (S)He did not create me that way.
Total non-surprise-there is definitely a desire in most white boys to conquer a woman he is intimidated by. The dumber strains wish to do this by acting like the ignorant asshole that they cannot help being. When that fails, they either wise up (rare), or take their inferiority complex out on the next girl down the…
"I just feel a little weird speaking about it, because I'm a dark-skinned Hispanic-Asian..."
Don't forget because Allen West approves.
Anonymous has released the name of the officer who shot Brown:
Smashing good work sir! Right in the feels!
This was my first thought as well but knew I could not be alone...and the dramatic filter/fade shots at the end? A little disconcerting.
Apparently she lost her concern for damaging that car right about the time she hucked that shovel. That bad boy could've ricocheted and scratched that paint job but good!