
This always happens to "developed" girls. Which is awful, in that the way your body exists is not necessarily within one's control.

I'm | too sexy for the dance | too sexy for the Dads | too sexy for the lads

I disagree pretty strongly here. Rape is a seriously underreported and underprosecuted crime, but if we take restroom scribblings as criminal evidence, it would be incredibly, incredibly easy for someone to abuse the system or implicate innocent people out of a desire for revenge.

Yes. We will build a utopia of Gawkerverse refugees and call it New Sodom.

I actually interned with Evan on an old Harvey Levin show and this does not shock me at all. He was a douche 14 years ago and from the looks of it, he hasn't changed at all.

I'm glad you survived that upbringing. I have a lot of survivor's guilt myself. My mother had me exactly one week after her 22nd birthday. She had dropped out of college to have me, and, like your parents, wasn't done partying. She drug me everywhere, and left me with my grandparents when she wanted to go clubbing or

Of course it is. Because there is NO logical, intelligent reason to have kids. On balance, they are no good for you, as an individual.

Oddly, I don't think whether or not a woman made a stupid decision when having sex makes her a horrible person if she gets pregnant and chooses to have an abortion, and the fact that so many people, apparently including you, do is exactly what I was talking about when I said "infinitely depressing."

It's odd that you cannot even imagine that a woman might want to destigmatize abortion for any other reason than pissing conservatives off.

not to jump on that bandwagon, but i'm going to jump on that bandwagon. i'll admit that i had an abortion (for medical reasons) and i'm very much pro-rights. that said, this just seems crazy and gross. i guess everyone's entitled to their own emotional response, but for me it was such a heavy, horrible experience

Pro tip: if you have to put a but after "I'm pro-choice", you're probably not as pro-choice as you think. Now let me extract my eyeballs from the back of my head.

Where does it say she didn't use any form of birth control?

I'm just so, so confused. My tiny female brain can't handle all of this information. Won't someone please save me from having to form my own opinion?!

Of course, it can't be that people support her right to decide but don't believe that decision should be the latest youtube clip of the week. Abortions are a private decision. They should be made and executed privately. I agree with her right to have an abortion, but I sure do think this public video is ghastly.

Because feminism is a political ideology aimed at overcoming thousands of years of financial, educational, sexual, and social oppression and abuse, and MRAism is an ideology for whiny cry-wanking neck-beards who hate women for merely existing?

They want abortion to be legal - they just want to discourage it, make sure women STILL feel adequate shame about getting "themselves" pregnant, and that women are still the ones who will suffer the consequences of fun sexytimes. So they are trying to maintain their male privilege, whilst avoiding an unwanted child.

Head over to Gawker and read about this video - there's a whole lot of "I'm pro-choice but she should be ashamed of herself." Yeah, real pro-choice.

An almost equal problem to the right-winger position, as pointed out by the Gawker comments, is that people claim to be "pro-choice but..." who also want to restrict the rights of others while claiming to be progressive. These people want women to be punished for their promiscuity almost as much as their right wing

John the Baptist cried out in the wilderness and people went out to listen to him. This guy cried out in the middle of the town square and everyone left. I don't know about you, but I'd say that's a clear hint from God.

I agree, it's none of our business what her choice was. But what should be our business is why hasn't he been given either some anger management therapy or at least faced some type of jail time. Oh right, he's a huge, popular male athlete.