
It's absolutely child abuse, and parents should be charged accordingly.

Exactly. That's part of what makes me so angry - I consider it child abuse. Also, for most pediatric clinical trials, children have to give their consent (if they can't read or write, they have to give a witnessed verbal assent...unless they are so critically ill they can't and the legal guardian does). So if they

I plan on my kids getting it (mini-cupcake #1 due sometime in the next 2-6 weeks). Not so much because chicken pox is a horrible illness for most kids (got it myself about 3 years before the vaccine was available), but because I want to contribute to herd immunity for kiddos that are too young or cannot get the

Yeah, my reaction to the first question was along the same lines. That's misogyny, girl. Figure out why you hate women so much and get on with your life.

Raising her Q Score. Now we know what Jenny McCarthy's entire misguided, deadly anti-vaccination campaign has been about.

I will never not be terrified of nuns.

I actually just tweeted at her a little bit ago about this; she posted her video and I posted this article within half an hour of each other (I can't find a time-stamp for her video other than it was some time in the 10 AM EST hour). It's impossible for either of us to have been ripping off the other — we just appear

I think the friend needs to shut the fuck up about the foster kids. And the rape victim's friend? Cut that bitch loose. Life is too short for friends who can't be there during the rough times.

Now playing

I'm older than you children, so bear with me as I tell you a tale of college, when I was in the honors program and taking all sorts of wacky shit. Wellll...The Literature of Generation X was one of my classes, and we watched this movie BECAUSE WE WERE LIVING IT. So there's my useless anecdote.

"I don't know who you are, but I'll TOTALLY come over."

I was hoping someone was going to say this. Plus they both have AMAZEBALLS soundtracks.

I feel like Singles is the more mature sibling of Reality Bites with the added bonus of dreamy, dorky Campbell Scott.

Not to worry, they can find plenty more here:

I love The Room. I'm rabid about it; I know everything that's out there about it, I got the book on release day and felt it was a special gift to me since it was out within a week of my birthday, I've seen Greg and Tommy multiple times at showings.

Her neck...

Anyone who doesn't love The Room is just a little chicken.

Omg. I watched this a little while ago on YouTube. Sometimes I go on sprees where I watch cyst removals, ear wax extraction, etc. I know I'm not the only who enjoys this type of shit because there are millions of views on these videos. So I'm not ashamed.

Anyone else here a picker? My fiancee has a spot on his back that always gets a tiny blackhead and I'm the fucking devil with that thing.