damn lies

We’ve seen Elizabeth smoking throughout the premiere, so her asking Hanley for a light seems as innocent to us as it does to him.

...but football in the groin had football in the groin.

Because if wore DC costumes they were guaranteed to crash and burn.

Trust Heather. She’s a student.

Wasn’t the script in her journal the same script Barry was scrawling all over the walls when he first got out of the Speed Force?

I felt the mom was totally responsible. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

As the mother of a teenager I found the mother’s choice to take away her daughter’s agency to be the most horrific part of the story!!!

I was under the impression that the earlier scene when the little girl used a pencil to repeatedly stab her (blurred and bleeding) finger, as well as the very real rage that was telegraphed by that character in the moment, was the early-episode indicator that she was capable of violent behavior.

That her mother’s

I kept expecting it to start glitching out or stop working like any other discontinued program. It was supposed to have a subscription model after all. I kept wondering what that would do to a person.

After some time to think about this episode, I think my biggest problem with it was illustrated by the scene at the end where the girl flags down a truck driver and gets on. Normally on Black Mirror, background technology more or less fits with the level of the central technology. But here, we have technology to

I can’t help it; I have to nitpick the technology here. If the product was banned, then wouldn’t the software have stopped working? Would she still have been able to spy on her daughter that many years after the chip was removed from the market? That distracted me through the whole episode...

It was really weak IMO.

Because they were talking about Oedipus in class, did anyone else think she was going to blind herself? I thought that was going to happen right before the beating started.

It doesn’t have to be either/or. We can take allegations seriously without assuming someone is guilty. We can investigate before we jump to conclusions.

I think someone who would lie about being sexually harassed wouldn’t be as deterred by the cost of making an accusation as someone who actually was sexually harassed.

Lights Out was meh. It felt very cookie-cutter horror movie to me. I loved the Witch, Babadook, and It Follows. Quite liked the Conjuring as well.

Seriously, where was he getting a four dollar Lagunitas in San Francisco? Nowhere, that’s where.

The thing about Snyder is that his successes were only on things where he had everything mapped out for him. 300, Watchmen, and the Owl movie all had set storylines to work with. He’d make a few changes and they’d tend to be the weakest parts of the films. When you give him free reign to make a film on his own is

Lights Out was also pretty good and did some fun things with its premise.

I'm a black woman, I'm a feminist/womanist, and I babble about intersectionality. One of my favorite episodes of Dear White People was when they focused on Gabe, the white ally who is dating the protagonist. It's really easy for me to look at allies as one-dimensional and not understand that they do have thoughts and