damn lies

3) He could, like every other president before him in modern memory, grow up, suck it up, make some light-hearted jokes, and stomach being uncomfortable for more than 30 god-damn seconds without reacting with racism, threats to unconstitutionally silence the media, lying braggadocio, or other behavior we wouldn’t

There is no context in the letter to how frequently she expects him to game (or not) and spend time with her/have sex. If the expectation is sex every day of the week, that’s a little unrealistic for most marriages (but if not for you more power to you.) Without context it’s hard to tell how reasonable (or

Well, but Lena’s still around and still kind of sets the vision, right? She’s not gone forever, just leading the charge at KatCo.

Dude, it’s a comic book show. Just enjoy the ride.

Just imagine if it were hacked. Now a predator could track your child’s location, blind them to all danger, and monitor their biological responses...

Lights Out was meh. It felt very cookie-cutter horror movie to me. I loved the Witch, Babadook, and It Follows. Quite liked the Conjuring as well.

He spent too long among the Lannisters...

Sansa clearly references that Littlefinger’s advice to “assume the worst” - designed to make her assume the worst of Arya’s motives- was what made her assume the worst about his motives. That was what made her go talk to Ayra and Brand and figure out he was playing them. I still think it would have been better to have

I don’t think so. I believe Sansa and Arya were actully fighting, up until when Baelish told Sansa to think the worst of everyone. That spurred her to think the worst of him, and realize he was manipulating her (again). Although, again, still dumb because OBVIOUSLY he was manipulating her...

I still think Stannis is going to live, and the letter from Ramsay to Snow was a feint. Either Ramsay defeated Stannis’ forward front, but not all his army or he’s straight up lying. I think Stannis takes Winterfell.

Anyone know how to minimize a comment thread? I’m so confused by Kinja...

Maybe those spears worked on the wall too? They did kill a dragon...