Dude I was so scared that you were actually going to do it
Dude I was so scared that you were actually going to do it
I'm happy that the mood was better yesterday, but there is no way that it makes up for what happened over the previous days. I feel like people are going, "now it's over, everything is fine." But it's NOT FINE. There are a lot more names that need to be released, including the police officers that unlawfully…
I'm doing Zangief for a con in 2 weeks ;)
This song is a cover of a popular African chorus, often sung in many West African churches during the praise/worship segment of the service. The chorus is sung in pidgin English which is spoken in Nigeria, parts of Cameroon, etc. I appreciate that she kept that aspect of the song as is, despite the issues you may have…
A number of people are asking for translations, so I shall do my best. My training: I grew up in a Pentecostal home and several families members to this day speak like this.
The people questing what we did in such negative ways are doing so because they are not christians. Christians are never negative and would never…
Don't "suffer injustice". I believe I have posted this here before but if not, here goes the Cliff Notes version:
I'm sorry, did I say no one has it worse than me? I'm gonna try really hard not to berate you for being a shithead in the wake of this horrible tragedy, but let me break this down for you. Seven people are dead and those who are still alive in the community have to cope with that somehow. All of us. Not just me. I'm…
The one laying down on the left with the buzzcut is getting his toes sucked. Because I'm a giver.
Dishonor, dishonor on all your ancestors. Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow...
I feel more sorry for the Secret Service guys. Two teenage girls. Who probably talk to their friends like all teenage girls. And they have to Stand. There. And hear ALL OF IT.