Or did didn’t do anything for her and they then did other things which did. But only the Narcan got reported.
Or did didn’t do anything for her and they then did other things which did. But only the Narcan got reported.
Maybe medical responders finding an unconscious rock star said “Hey, maybe we should administer Narcan, just in case.” That doesn’t seem like a huge leap in logic.
You’re talking about Shitstain, right?!?
I’d love to give you 50 stars for that top-notch pun, but just one seems to be more appropriate.
Whelp, sounds like someone’s headed back to the Jonathan Minors
I’m still the same person.
“and recalled Donald Trump asking her in 2015—when she was a literal child—”
You say ‘far too much food’, I say ‘deep working capital in the trade game’
Um, so we don’t think that Ben was just super annoyed at the paps? I mean that look and “what the fuck” hand gesture pretty much tells that story. Leave these people alone on this whole “will they get divorced soon” thing. It’s like “when will she get pregnant? Is she pregnant?” Jennifer Aniston news. Just fucking…
Dear god... do you hear that? The howling, the snarling, the... sounds of eating?
It’s incredibly chilling that the judge advised the jurors not to identify themselves. Implicit acknowledgement that Trump’s supporters are deranged and armed, and there’s a much greater than zero chance that these jurors could be targeted by those nutjobs.
...circumstances beyond his control have transpired which have resulted in Mr. Costner having to participate in a dissolution of marriage action...
“The name “Wednesday” is derived from the name of Odin, another spelling/pronunciation is Woden. So, Woden’s Day became Wednesday.”
Very well said, and i just want to add: Fuck Alito!! What a horrific snowflake he is, crying about nobody defending the way he and other christofascists have turned the court into an inquisition of sorts, going the opposite way of why it was established. The silver lining is that maybe all this extra stress will…
It would be one thing if it were just about the legal decisions themselves. There’s a certain amount of free rein baked in to the process by design, which has historically served the greater good and the needs of the oppressed, even if it’s now doing the opposite. But all these scandals are making it clear this is not…
If it wasn’t for the immense homophobia in these groups, I’d almost suggest a circle jerk to have them truly come together as humans.
Was it reflected in their chemistry in the movie? I’m one of the few people who never saw it...
Yup. It’s sort of like lip injections it always looks fake. I know people are gonna respond “there are people who have these surgeries and you can’t ever tell!’ Well like I get that but that isn’t what people are doing. They are creating those uncanny valley bodies. And it looks creepy in person, I know its mean to…
Her and Hawk were the best part of Titans.