
Dead-eyed soulless character? check.

I’m going to derail a bit and say that using Arcade Sticks as a fighting game analog to the KB/M for shooters argument is, well, wrong. Time and tournament results have shown that using an arcade stick is largely a preference thing, and it doesn’t really give you any solid advantage. When I use a stick, I do better

I’m going to derail a bit and say that using Arcade Sticks as a fighting game analog to the KB/M for shooters

can we take a moment to appreciate how incredibly stupid the woman’s outfit is? High-Heels, thigh-high stockings and fucking plate armor. The actual hell is that mess?

My nephew is similar, except he does it in the same game. When playing minecraft, he starts a new world about every 10-15 minutes. Mario maker is the same - dumps a lot of blocks into a “level”, attempts to play it, wipes the stage and starts again. With Smash, he makes a new random-ass ruleset before EVERY match.

ahh, but they cleverly neglect to what the minimum internet speed gets you. That’s probably the minimum for the service to work, which, if I had to guess, will give you 720p 30fps steady.

I have no expectations for this. The lore has always been cool, but so far noone has been able to write a story about it that didn’t just sound hokey.

It was exactly this reason. They were the worst kind of video game hipsters, talking about how open sources was gonna revolutionize the gaming industry. My brother-in-law backed this thing and wouldn’t shut up about how great it was going to be for like, 6 months. Then he got it, we played it for an evening, and I

The fatalities, for me, feel completely disconnected from the game. Especially with the story mode in this last iteration, its really hard to imagine people who express the emotions they do also being brutal murders. It’s at a point where they feel 100% tacked on (same for the Fatal Blows), and don’t really contribute

Assuming you have a choice of ISP to switch to. We only have one that services our neighborhood, so I don’t even get a second shitty option.

I’m currently playing AC origins on easy, just so I can be very selective about what side content I do. It’s a really nice change of pace and I think I’ll be doing it more often in these massive games.

OMG,I just finished DMC 5.

I’m actually really excited about this, because it will be a fundamental shift in how magic is played out. I love love LOOOVE that there are uncommon planeswalkers, because they are a unique card type that not a lot of people normally get to experiment with.

I love the DMC series because you can play it both ways: Either go all-in on the combofest part of it, or just play it straight like an action game using a handful of the moves they give you.

It’s some misguided belief that development is a zero-sum game, so if they are working on this they AREN’T working on other things.

I would be wary of ANYONE that loved Aquaman. That was the most stilted, expositiony mess of exposition to ever exposite itself.

I wanted to give you a standing ovation, but all I can give you is a star.

I have a friend who desperately needs to apply this to their love of the Zelda series and pretty much any Anime. It’s like, you can’t say that Zelda is anything less than perfect otherwise she feels like she’s being attacked personally. It’s fucking exhausting because sometimes I just want to talk about how shit some

DBFZ has pretty much ruined anime games moving forward. Everything else feels stilted, lifeless and gross by comparison.

I buy fighting games and live in training mode. I like to just build combos, learn things, and execute weird, sub-0ptimal stuff that looks cool. I treat them more like puzzle/rhythm games, and it makes me happy.

My taste spans an impressive chasm: It’s either a bowl full of whatever frozen veggies we have in the house, drowned in butter and salt, or, if I’ve had a bad day, it’s the most disgusting fast food burger I can find, the largest fry they’ll sell me, and a giant milkshake, which I’ll then eat while watching some