Damien Handler

It's not "reasonable to deduce", they literally showed Maeve disabling the security measures.

Dolores is the Jon to Maeve's Daenerys.

You forgot to add "with their hands covering their eyes".

Because the characters needed to pass by it on their way out to tease the second season. Duh.

Ah, so her daughter's Uni.

"But it's a video-game! How bad can a yellow pizza eating ghosts be? Wait, kid, why are you pulling that guy's teeth out?? Where's Mario???? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?"

You just liked it? Because XIII-2 is actually pretty good? And mostly an apology? I fell ya.

Well, it's: magic.


Which made the way it was incorporated even more of an achievement.

I'd like that! It would open the possibility of her returning every once in a while and it would lower her potential status as Universal Fix to just Occasional Do-All.

Please don't.

Plus, Aida's hand signs when she finished opening the portal: very Strange.

Bla bla Arthur C. Clark yada yada.

Thank you! I really thought I was the only one who noticed the nods, from all the people in this thread talking about how they didn't reference Doctor Strange at all.

I really hope Aida doesn't "go evil" and instead just becomes an enormously intelligent friendly character who can deal a little bit with dark magic when need be but mostly just stays on the team and develops meaningful relationships with the other characters. That's absolutely not gonna happen lest she become a Swiss

Pretty sure it's her own brain and we're getting to the cyclical self-updating part of ASI tropes.

I don't get it, people always complained SHIELD's references to the other corners of the MCU were too blunt, and now we get a post-movie episode with subtle but engaging references and we're also complaining? Aida's gestures while opening the portal and the mirror-like visual effects of the dark dimension pulling

Mockingrider would be the best thing this show could ever produce. Get on it, ABC!

The book being in binary code was the best little detail of the entire series. This show has been in an upswing since the get go and we're seriously getting to amazing territory this season. Way to go, show!