
I was really on board with you from reading the Headline, but I wasn’t really concerned with those things you mentioned in the article. I just think she is a bad voice actor and gave a very bland performance. I think that’s more of valid reason for her to not be in MK. Cause it pertains to the game. Not the history of

Can we stop paying attention to this mediocre women’s who’s literal, actual, only job is to get people to tune in to see what asinine, backwards shit she says? Meghan McCain exists only to get blog posts about her, like this. That’s it.

The news came during an impromptu press conference”

So, there are two very different aspects to this article:

Sure, these words are awful, I think, even for the time they were spoken. But if this VERY progressive blog wants more Democrats to grow and become more progressive both in word and deed (and soul), ... you have to LET THEM DO THAT. Do you want more in the tent or fewer in the tent?

“Could Joe Biden Get Any Worse?”

This article is an exercise in scientific illiteracy and bad journalism that’s a fitting output for Trumpistan. It demonstrates a complete and utter ignorance of the actual issue.

“In other words, while seeking to prove that women with naturally high testosterone have an unfair advantage over their competitors, Bermon admits no one has actually studied the effects of testosterone on women’s athletic performance. Instead, he assumes that because female athletes have used synthetic testosterone,

The very existence of women’s categories as separate from men’s is to help low testosterone athletes.

Categorically not racist. And not even sexist. I can see both sides of that - she had abnormally high testosterone because of a birth condition which is not normally occurring. No fault of hers, of course, but also not a level playing field - and sports assumes that there is one. That’s why there are different weight

“Hasn’t performed when it mattered most” is the most low-effort bullshit criticism of pro athletes.

I love the idea that in real time the ref was like, “pivot-caught the ball-one-two-lost control-pivot-pass-legal.”
Second, we’re like two weeks from Harden just bobbling the ball from hand to hand as he walks down the court before plowing headlong into a defender actively running away from him and getting like 10

Complaining about the game = Bad.

+1 Nisha call

It’s crazy to me. The phone calls just don’t MATCH where Adnan was at the time of the calls. He says he was with friends; then there’s the BestBuy phone box that’s no longer there. And what about the parking lot across the street! Now the legal system is getting over-involved. Like I don’t even personally know any of

Wait.... red pill is a hate slogan now?

Weird, this didn’t show up in the Games section. Good thing I scrolled down on the main page!

For my money, Resident Evil 7 in VR should be #1. It’s intense — too intense for most — but if you like horror there’s literally nothing like it. The immersion of VR ratchets up your body’s reaction to everything going on to

Those of us who live on the Internet tend to overestimate how relevant a lot of this stuff is to the average person, let alone to world-renowned beloved megastars like the guy from “The Voice”. No duh they haven’t heard of it. Why would they?

Seriously. They’re supposed to let some reddit nerds dictate what they do? It’s nuts.

I think we as a society need to stop letting shitty people co-opt whatever they want and make it off limits to regular people. The alt-right shouldn’t just be able to “take” Pepe, and I’m still bitter about the Nazis ruining the swastika and toothbrush mustaches.