
Also, I’m not really trying to say that West = cockblocked, but more that it’s one factor at play. It’s just a far more competitive conference, and therefore harder for even a superstar like Chris Paul to singlehandedly power a team to the championship, like MJ and LeBron are often characterized as having done.

Who had both Ginobili and Parker at the heights of their powers. And I mean, the dude was still Tim Duncan, to boot. Oh, and one of the best coaches the sport has ever seen.

A lot of that can be attributed to playing in a historically weak conference during the first Cavs tenure, though.

In a shit conference. You mean to tell me if Chris Paul had spent his career in the East he wouldn’t have been a fixture in the conference finals?

There is so much about this:

“Neymar is currently the world’s second-best player”

Please stop writing about soccer or things.

But according to The Root, we’re supposed to be rooting for Mayweather because McGregor is a racist. What do we do now?

Just re-read your article, Yesha. Don’t root for Floyd. He’s a fucking awful human being. If you don’t like McGregor’s racist tirades, then do like my dad would do: root for injuries.

This is a pretty pathetic statement to back your narrative up.

More like Homer Bailey.

Figured that’s what you meant. But I’m a bitter, angry man with nothing left to do but correct strangers on the internet and wait for the coming apocalypse to finally put an end to the devastating tragedy that is the Washington Capitals.

The Pens had a 3-1 lead in ‘17, not the Caps.

Putin may not be much of hockey player, but last year he went 5-hole on America.

Well yes, he probably has. 99% of people who speedrun don’t pick up a random game and start practicing strategies to break the game. They play through them multiple times before starting to attempt to run the game. It’s kind of hard to speedrun a game when you don’t know its layout

It is nuts that Bryce Harper is 6 months younger than this guy.

You’re right. The good people of Maryland didn’t deserve to have that unholy nightmare of a franchise foisted upon them.

Tisn’t like that! Because Foxborough is in New England, and Glendale is in Arizona, but Landover is not in Washington. It’s located smack dab in the center of Hell’s parking lot.

The Dan Snyder Racial Slurs play their stupid, embarrassing games in Maryland. Please don’t associate them with the good and fun teams of Washington, D.C.

If we pretend like he’s not here, maybe he’ll leave...