
LeBron James: [no look] “Pass.”

I haven’t been a Lebron fan since the bullshit decision nonsense when he went to Miami. Then, as a Laker fan, when he signed with LA, I was ambivalent at best about him signing. Now, after his HK taek, it turns out he’s still the vapid, self centered jackass who did that decision bullshit. What a surprise. 

I hear it’s part of the Uighur re-education curriculum in Xinjiang.

That pass was blinder than a Hong Kong protestor shot in the eyes by the Chinese government.

There isn’t even a debate to be had. Everyone knows who the better QB is. I mean, it’s right there in black and white.

If you’re listening to Le Batard for “scores and highlights” all I can say is “You don’t get the show”.

He took 5 minutes at the end of a 3 hour show to express his opinion.

This is a big freaking deal.

Get over yourself. 

[age of Roger Federer at his death] minus [duration of match]

Glad to see her apology consists of blaming the media.

I’m pretty much in the bag for Serena Williams as a rule. She’s been one of my favorite athletes for 20 years. That being said, she isn’t and has never been a good loser and that day certainly wasn’t one of her finer moments. She embarrassed herself and basically ruined Naomi Osaka’s moment. 

So... this article should really be skewering US Soccer, who clearly reached out to all these professional teams with templates asking them to tweet it out to their followers.

It seems blindingly self-evident that that’s what happened.

Could this possible be anything but a coordinated campaign BY the USWNT asking teams to do EXACTLY THIS? I see zero indication these men’s teams came up with this idea.

USWNT provides graphics for American teams to use for shows of support in order to push their brand.

I mean, this was clearly orchestrated by US Soccer. So, ok, blame them if you want. The various sports teams are obviously going along with what they see as a request from USWNT to be supportive and leverage sports fandom far and wide.

This is so lame, in a way that only #brands know how to be lame. I wonder if the USWNT asked these various pro sports team to send out these tweets, and gave them this stupid as hell template. This seems like way too coordinated of an effort across various pro sports league to have been done without their involvement.

other than malinda being very annoying, i don’t see the problem here.

Man’s twitter account shows him to be a trump supporter so...

He’s literally every super annoying kid you knew in middle school.